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thrace_adama February 7 2009, 22:08:39 UTC
Sorry you didn't like the ep, bop! I really did, despite the K/S stuff (my opinions about this are very similar to those of m_a_r_i_k_s and daybreak777). I really hope the show can redeem itself in your eyes by the end--it's holding its own with me at the moment ( ... )


bop_radar February 7 2009, 22:31:05 UTC
Though Gaeta for the most part had very good points in his argument against Adama, I felt that was a bit unfair. Adama came back as soon as he had a chance of getting them off that planet. And he was completely against the fleet settling there in the first place, as well!Yes, one thing which I have found very well written is the way that Gaeta's arguments are largely extremely sound and fair but they veer into hyperbole around some particularly emotional issues. And that highlights how Adama's actions can appear in a different light to someone who isn't unquestioningly on his side. I find that very believable and interesting, while agreeing that it's not the whole truth. That was why, for me, I was desperate for a dialogue to be opened between the mutineers and Adama/Roslin. For there to be some explanation from A/R of how things had come about, some compassion... and for the mutineers to get a chance to voice their fears and anger and then come to a place where they needed to move forward together. HA! Instead we got this OTT ( ... )


thrace_adama February 8 2009, 04:06:08 UTC
in having NO dialogue at all between the authorities and those concerned about a Cylon Alliance, by simply saying 'you're wrong', they have lost my sympathy forever. Just a personal thing, I guess.No, I do see what you are saying. I was thinking this evening as I was driving home just about how much actually *talking* to the people would have helped. But Laura and Bill are still stuck in the way things used to be, much as they would deny this. Before the Colonies were destroyed, there was an immense distance between the president and the admiral of the fleet from the people (as there is here in our modern world)...and this was okay; anything less wouldn't have made sense then, really. But now, as Lee has said, they are a gang. The rules have changed, but these two haven't. I guess I both admire them for sticking to their guns and doing what they feel is right even when it's unpopular and even when others don't approve of how they're getting it done (leadership is hard, and BSG has done a great job of demonstrating just how hard, I ( ... )


bop_radar February 8 2009, 08:14:24 UTC
how much actually *talking* to the people would have helped.
I honestly do believe it would have made an immense difference. And maybe I'm naive, but I expected the mutiny to result in some dialogue. I expected there to be some horrible consequences, and probably for Gaeta to lose his life, but also for it to be a wake-up call for Adama or Roslin. Or if not for them, then for Lee to step in and realise that if he didn't take over, then things would really get out of control. I guess I'm just really disappointed that there was no sign of it causing any kind of change in approach for any of the authorities.

I guess I both admire them for sticking to their guns and doing what they feel is right even when it's unpopular and even when others don't approve of how they're getting it done
I felt like that for a long time, but now there are two things which have caused me to lose faith in them. The first is that I don't really believe that the Cylon alliance IS in the humans' best interests--it still hasn't been clearly explained to me, let ( ... )


thrace_adama February 8 2009, 17:23:05 UTC
Sure it makes sense, yeah. I think I'm just not to that point yet... I want to see where they go from here--I have to hope that A and R *will* make changes and/or that Lee *will* step up. It's the optimistic part of me! :)


bop_radar February 9 2009, 09:21:36 UTC
I admire your optimism. It's a lovely trait!


m_a_r_i_k_s February 8 2009, 18:13:05 UTC
I expected there to be some horrible consequences, and probably for Gaeta to lose his life, but also for it to be a wake-up call for Adama or Roslin. Or if not for them, then for Lee to step in and realise that if he didn't take over, then things would really get out of control.

Whether it will be a wake up call for Adama and Roslin we'll see right in the next episode, they didn't have time to show it in this one. And while I don't harbor much hope for Adama, I can't quite give up on Laura yet, I think she'll definitely draw some conclusions and learn from mistakes. They can't continue to ignore that so many people in the fleet (basically 25 ships out of 35) resent trusting cylons. And it's time for Lee to defend his position on this issue, not just put it in Tigh's face in the heat of a battle.


bop_radar February 9 2009, 09:24:59 UTC
I hope you are right, I really do.

For me, it's long past the time when Lee needed to make his position clear: I couldn't believe how silent and acquiescent he was in that meeting with Helo, Tyrol, Tigh et al. To me he feels totally out of character, except for that one call to Tigh. I guess I'm scared I'll find out next week that Lee is not the Lee I love any more.


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