BSG 4.14 Blood on the Scales

Feb 07, 2009 19:21


Well that was shortlived. BSG is back to sucking remarkably fast. I knew last weeks idyll wouldn't last, but I didn't factor on some bonus unwelcome elements entering this episode.

Things I guessed would happen but which nevertheless disappointed me:
- Adama lived
- Roslin lived
- Tigh lived
- Chief lived
- Gaius lived
- Gaeta got killed.

Things I didn't expect but were unbelievably dreadful:
- Zarek killed the Quorum. Well I guess it illustrated what an extremist he is. I hate this less than some other elements because I think it's true to character and I really liked Gaeta's reaction. And it illustrated the way things can spiral out of control so easily.
- Kara/Anders. Ouch. How shortlived was the Kara/Lee teamwork? Sheesh. As soon as Sam showed up, it was over. And then of COURSE he got melodramatically shot and bled all over her and she had to be All About Sam and abandon Lee again. There's only two ways this will end: 1) he dies the martyr's death I predicted and Kara never gets over it or 2) he recovers slowly and they get back together and work through things. Either way, there goes my Kara again... Makes a farce of the kiss and Kara/Lee team stuff last week. She just wished he was Sam, let's face it. ETA: Just to clarify: I'm not dissing on Kara for feeling compassionately towards a dying husband. My issue is (if it's not obvious) with the incredibly contrived writing again. Same issue as with the Lee/Dee 'date'.
- Adama and Roslin shared ANOTHER teary romantic moment. *yawns* Enough already!
- Gaius had sex. Gratuitously. Again. Clearly three eps without it were TOO MANY.
- The Cylons waffled around as they are wont to do but I did rather like their inclination to bugger off and leave the humans to it. Sensible, kids!
- Adama gets a chance to explain to one of his crew why he should still support him even though he supports a Cylon alliance and Adama's reaction is... to tie him up. Wow. That's bad even for Adama. I actually had suspense in that moment! I thought that's where the real dialogue would begin. OMG MY NAIVETY! No dialogue. Just death. Adama is seriously SO bad at PR. I mean, of course it looks like he's in bed with the Cylons when he's having smoochy reunions with Tigh in front of the crew! *rolls eyes* Grow a brain, Adama! This is no way to motivate people.
- OMG, LEEEEEEEEE, why did you condone the exectutions? Why didn't you advocate for dialogue between the mutineers and the leadership first? Don't you see that this is only entrenching Adama's tyrant-like status?
- The message of this episode: it's ok to kill people without trial as long as you're the good guys.

I have no words for the BAD of that last bit. BSG will never be the same.

Things which were unexpectedly awesome:
- Romo! OMG YAY! Romo returns and is wonderful. He even momentarily considers leaving Anders to die! Whee! \o/ (I'm cool with him not actually doing so because that would make him horrible, but I like that he considered it. *g*)
- Mention of Jake!
- Lee. Was awesome. Loved his snark at Kara: 'it would have been if you'd done it'. :) Also his determination to reach his father. Pity his father is a dick.
- The Gaius/Gaeta scene. Beautiful, moving, creepy and gorgeous. I just want to draw hearts around it.
- Sam got shot. *beams* Karma, dude. Stings.

I'm going to be so cranky if Sam dies. I bet he does just to spite me. Then Kara will never have clearly chosen Lee over Sam and my shipper days will be over. After that, my only hope for liking anything else on this show is Lee realising that his father is a dick and there's no democracy and just taking charge himself and sorting shit out. What's the chances? Pfft.

bsgseason4, bsg_meta

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