
Feb 08, 2009 10:25

If my shows are allowed to have cheap melodrama, why can't I?

I'm so upset you guys! Two shows. MY TWO FAVOURITE SHOWS. At once. Destroying everything I love and hold dear about them. I am so upset I could cry. At first I was numb and snarky and bitter, and then I found humour briefly, but then I went back into rage, and now I think I'm reaching depression...

I'm halfway through a measured response to 'Requiem' to explain why I think it's the death of Smallville, but I keep getting distracted by the badness on Battlestar...


They were both so amazing. Why did they have to throw it away? With SV I can rationalise that Al and Miles left... but with Battlestar? It's hard to understand how RDM could create this universe and then destroy it. Also, I feel way more alone in BSG because so many fans are clinging to hope still. At least in SV, we've more or less all been smacked in the face.

I mean, don't get me wrong, Requiem was TEN TIMES AS DREADFUL as BSG this week, but the BSG decline is more drawn out. Which is better? I don't know! *flails*

It's days like today it really sucks to be a completionist.

ETA: I don't normally quote TWOP. But it occurs to me that this sums up my position on both shows: So if you've ever loved the show and thought it was building to a fitting end for some of its major characters, congratulations. You got played. Go watch Friday Night Lights instead.

personal, smallville, bsg

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