Sufjan Stevens, Federer angst, and vids

Jan 19, 2008 18:54

Guess who I saw play my favourite venue this week, snarkist?! Sufjan! It was absolutely brilliant. He (and his color-coordinated band) wore wings for most of the concert. At first I was thrown by his hatless-ness, but he managed to wear both a cap and a floppy cowboy hat into the ensemble at times. Oh, and a 'space jacket' at one stage, too. :)

He was completely adorable and I definitely wound up a bit in love with him. He gave such earnest little lessons about US geography between songs, as well as personal anecdotes about his childhood fears. But my favourite part was the hula hoop routine--it was a glowing fluoro hoop and he had his (Australian) teacher dance on stage with him. That man has nice hips. :) And can pull off white pants, which is a talent in itself, surely? Also, I heart his band so much! The girls especially were adorable--and they were wearing these cute puffy Snow White sleeves on their t-shirts.

The visuals accompanying each track were really impressive, they played a lovely long set and seemed to genuinely enjoy and appreciate the audience. As is to be expected, it was a slow, contemplative concert but they definitely built their own peaks and crescendos. They played 'Jackson' in a beautiful encore, which is a favourite of mine.

And Sufjan said they didn't want to leave Australia because the lifestyle was so good. We can keep him, yes?! :D

Right now I'm watching Roger Federer play Tipsarevic, and I'm fretting coz it's gone into a fourth set. Federer's my favourite player on the men's circuit, and I desperately want him to win this year's Open--I know it means a lot to him, since he's so adorably respectful of the Australian tennis tradition. Come on, Roger! Don't fret! (He looks fretty! :() Phew, he broke serve. *wipes brow*

counteragent is running a new-to-me vid-watching challenge this coming week. The challenge is to watch a new vid (preferably from a vidder you don't know) every day for a week from 21-28 Jan. I've signed up. Anyone wanna join me? :D

Also, if you haven't yet seen counteragent's tribute to vidding, Destiny Calling, then you're missing a meta-y treat. And it features some of my favourite vids! :D

ETA: WOW, what a match! And aww, he's such a gent.

music, vidding, vid_recs

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