More Joy Day - Destiny Calling - A tribute to vidding - Multi-fandom video commentary

Jan 10, 2008 19:18

Title: Destiny Calling (a tribute to vidding)
(Now with More Joy! 1/3 longer than original draft! :) )
Fandom(s): Myriad
Vidder(s): Check out the list of all 40+ vidders
Song: “Destiny Calling” by James
Download: 55MB wmv (at my vid website)
Streaming: over at imeem
Brief notes: Made for the More Joy Day 2008 Challenge
Vids = JOY! This is a video commentary on the joy that other people’s vids brings me.  I wish I could have fit all the vids I love, but the song was only so long. :) Because I am a newbie, most of the vids are from the past couple years.

- ETA: Timing improved in current version

-  There is one vidder I haven’t heard from yet regarding permissions-I will keep trying to reach you! I sincerely hope you don’t mind. I did it because of the love I have for your vid.

Vids and Vidders in order of appearance

us - lim (used twice)
vogue - luminosity aka sockkpuppett
walking on the ground - seah (aka flummery) & margie (used twice)
want - destina& barkley
goodnight moon - bradcpu
coin operated boy - sdwolfpup
bionic - tallulah71
buffy abridged (two screenshots used) - rowena aka river_boat
devotion - lc aka lcsbanana
gold digger - absolutedestiny
goodie two shoes - pipsqueak & laura aka pipsqueaky& laurashapiro
through glass - dragonchic aka bananainpyjamas
improper dancing - mary crawford aka marycrawford
devotion - charmax (used twice). Charmax also introduced me to "Destiny Calling" with her vid to the same.
cuz i can - dualbunny
filthy mind - se aka sol_se
the girl or the weapon? - kiki_miserychic
guilt - avenue potter aka avenuepotter
ode to a bitchface - monkie aka monkiedude
A&E’s Technical Guides to All Things Audio and Video mk 2 - ErMaC and absolutedestiny

rodeohead - absolutedestiny
women’s work - luminosity and sisabet
this girl is taking bets - killa aka killabeez
bastard wants to hit me - shati
people get ready - here’s luck aka heresluck
short skirt/long jacket - talitha78
she hates me - sisabet
living dead girl - bradcpu
meant well - super kc aka super_kc
jack - lc
snakes on a plane - dualbunny
lost in an anime dream - judgeholden/orziuka
moons of jupiter - eunice aka fan_eunice
big city life - lithiumdoll aka halcyon_shift
and she was - eunice
rock steady - hazel k aka aycheb
another sundayjescaflowne (used twice)
falling from the sky - jarrow aka jarrow272
slave - kristin harris aka kristin1228
church - gianduja kiss aka giandujakiss
orchard of mines - dragonchic (used twice)
grace - whereistheluv

Lyrics and Extended Vid Notes for the super-curious

So we may be gorgeous

Vids are gorgeous!

So we may be famous

Vids are getting famous! Or at least the lovely and eloquent Luminosity’s are.

Come back when we're getting old

Soon the hubbub about “is it art”? “Is it legal” will fade into historical canon. I hope with a big “YES” as the answer to both questions.

Cover us in chocolate
Sell us to the neighbors

I just love these vids, and they seemed to fit the music.

Frame us in a video

Uh, a little self referential, but I’m also trying to make the point that video essays are a valid form of critiquing vids, which thus reinforces that vids themselves are a valid form of media commentary on the original source.

Clone us in a test tube
Sell us to the multitude
Guess that's the price of fame

Vidders get mad when you upload their vids without permission. ‘Cause then they get cease and desist letters from the Man. Also bad: pretending you made a vid if you didn’t. It makes vidders want to cut your head off.

She likes the black one
He likes the posh one

I didn’t have any meta in mind for these shots, except to note that both men and women vid.

Cute ones are usually gay

Slash is a big part of fandom.

Here we come!
This is our destiny calling
We're freaks
This is our destiny calling
This is our destiny calling now

Plain old vid love, no other meta intended.
Oh, except I’ve decided to reclaim the term “freaks” as a good thing. :D

Don't believe the adverts

Don't believe the experts

Gah. They put ads on vid art! I mean, I know that streaming sites provide a valuable service, but MAN.
Vids are art! Forget what your profs might say.

Everyone will sell our souls
Get a little wiser

Otw is working on protecting fanworks-yay!

Get a little humble
Now we know that we don't know

The Vidding Bible. Daunting because of its sheer scope, but you have to love its friendly prose and indispensible knowledge.

Tell us when our time's up
Show us how to die well

They said it better than I could.

Show us how to let it all go

This is a love note to a fandom that I think treats women pretty well in canon.

Here we come this is our destiny calling
We're freaks
This is our destiny calling
This is our destiny calling now

Pretty, shiny vids!!!

Some fat cat's playing roulette with lives
This game is fixed it's all a lie

Copyright. Why do they persecute us? This meta was already in the vid “Walking On the Ground,” I’m just reusing it and adding additional visuals from the lovely charmax.

Some fat cat's playing roulette with lives
This time is good, there's no straight lines

Feminism. What do we do when a show treats its chicks badly? Why, we spin it our way, of course. This meta was already in the vid “Jack,” I’m just reusing it.
Slight visual pun on showing straight lines when it says there are none-supposed to alert you to the fact that we (vidders) can change the meaning of the source by adding our own “lines.”

Some fat cat's playing roulette with lives

Flaming (with apologies to dualbunny for using her gorgeous vid to represent a hapless lj’er surrounded by nasty flames). Can’t we all just get along?

Forget myself we're all entwined
There's no straight lines

F the flamers! Fandom is a haven of expression. Or should be. It’s a web of creativity. “Lost in an Anime Dream”  is an anime/real life vid so I thought it was appropriate. Also, the umbrella-ed people are similar to the semi-anonymity of virtual spaces. I also used the big “Us” from “us” and a series of network-y looking shots just in case you didn’t get it. J
Finally, there is a tiny pun on “no straight lines” again, because “us” is a vid that celebrates Slash. But that was largely unintentional.
And then the hugging(!) from moons. I love the hugging!

Here we come this our destiny calling
We're freaks
This is our destiny calling
This is our destiny calling now
Here we come this our destiny calling
We're freaks
This is our destiny calling
This is our destiny calling now
This is our destiny calling

Whoo! A bunch of awesome “destiny calling” shots. No other meta intended.

vids_mine, vid_rec, vidding, more joy day

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