This may be premature but...

Jan 15, 2008 19:52

... I think I might be getting my life back again. It's Day 2 of having my boss back again (and therefore no longer being boss-person myself) and I'm on cloud 9. I LOVE HAVING A BOSS!!! *bounces* And to make this fandom-related... I think I finally get why Kara didn't care that much about being CAG. Because hello, it is WAY more fun to be the slightly loud-mouthed and rebellious offsider than the guy that has to do all the paperwork and answer for shit at the end of the day. :D And yeah, I may seem diplomatic online but in real life? Huahahaha, no. I have an unfortunate habit for telling the truth in meetings and a low tolerance of idiots--this does not get you far in management, I have found.

So what's going on round here?! :) I missed stuff! I owe some people mail--and I promise I'm working on it. My inbox is kinda scary... *guilt*

I do have some posts to pimp though. I'm always a big fan of people focusing on what they like and not what they like to whinge about... and in that spirit, I have really enjoyed:
- asta77's post on why she loves Lee Adama
- wisteria_'s post on why she loves Kara Thrace
- and daybreak777's post on falling for the Kara/Lee ship.

Also, Kara/Lee fans who haven't read this extremely hot fic by elzed are missing a treat. *g*

I feel kinda bad not having anything SV-related to pimp... but seriously, people, is there anything out there?!

Oh, and before I forget, I apologise to anyone who tried to dl my new vid the other day when the link wasn't working. I have fixed it now. And I'm even feeling thick-skinned enough (or stupid enough) to stick my name up on the vidding truth meme so if anyone feels inclined to tell me where my weaknesses are or how I could improve... pipe up. :) I do appreciate that it takes time and care to give people proper concrit, so if anyone does, I'll be very grateful.

personal, meta_recs, vidding, fic_recs, bsg

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