Friday night lights 2.11

Jan 13, 2008 19:42

Julie told the truth! Woot! I was in the world's crankiest mood with her and the show until that occurred. Instantly, I felt a lot better. In fact, much of what I griped about last week was addressed, somewhat, this week:
- no Tyra/Landry melodrama = Tick!
- Julie fesses up = yay
- Coach-Tim relationship mended = double yay!

And Shelley got kicked out, which I was also fine with. In fact, I thought that was pretty well handled by the show--the dynamics between Coach, Tami and Shelley were nicely played, and it felt such a relief to have the Taylors back on their own in their house at the end of the episode. And it didn't really feel mean to Shelley since it's surely good for her too to move on with her life, and her stint with them seemed like a transition phase for her.

There were a few melodramatic touches I wasn't such a fan of. Like Evil!Coach's dying wife (pfft! doesn't mean you get carte blanche to act like an asshole, sunshine) and Tim taking the dealer's cash. I don't completely mind the cash-stealing though, because although it was a bit clunkily contrived, I can see Tim doing it under the circumstances. He's been homeless for some time and under a lot of stress as a consequence--he's just reconciled with his brother and has the chance to get things back under control. But it seems like they're going to lose the house. And what then? Tim's already been through the options available to him and it was unworkable. I can see him taking an extreme step, especially when there's no love lost between him and the dealer. However, I do think he's naive to think that they won't come after him. Beware the man with a gun, Tim! *despairs*

I liked the Smash plot--and Mama Smash made me totally tear up at the end when she hugged him. I think I also enjoyed it because it was a bit more football-focussed again, and built on what we've seen of him in the past.

I miss Matt though. :(


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