Carpal tunnel traffic report

Jul 17, 2008 04:33

My right hand does not like using scissors. I managed to cut out 6 pattern pieces this afternoon. It was a very long, slow, and intense process - involving the use of three different types of scissors, as few pins as humanly possible, and lots of Advil. I managed to not teach Miss Emily any new bad words - only because she has an extensive vocabulary already.

It's depressing. The length of time it took me to cut out the pieces is about the same as the length of time it used to take me to complete a typical garment from start to finish.

Hell, I know there will be good days and bad days. I also know that this is a recovery process: no set schedule, no shoulds, no looking back. I remind myself of the sheer thankfulness and wonder I experienced when I realized that I could still move my fingers after the first surgery.

I suppose I kinda have to be patient with myself. But it is tough. Sigh.

depression, carpal tunnel traffic reports, pure unadulterated fear, knowledge, thankfulness, natural selection, doctors!

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