Improper stretching technique

Jan 18, 2006 19:18

I've always found teenagers (and pre-teens) to be rather annoying things. Today, I find them abhorrent.

While I was walking from one bus to another in beautiful ice-and-snow-covered Guelph, I was rudely pushed aside by a teenager who wanted to get on the bus before me. Fortunately, I did not fall down on my ass, but I did manage to pull a leg muscle when my right foot slipped on the underlying ice.

The driver saw it happen, rushed over to make sure I was OK, and proceeded to kick the kid off the bus. He apologized, called me "Ma'am", and said that "the kids these days don't respect their elders." I'm not sure if I should be pleased that the driver treated me with respect, or pissed off that he thought I was some doddering old lady. Cripes, the driver's got to be pushing 50 easily - so who's he calling old?

I hobbled into "Ye Olde Quebec Street" to warm up and see if I could convince the leg to behave itself, but no such luck. My hip and back were sore, and I was a little pissed off, upset, and feeling sorry for myself. I decided to head home instead of going to my class.

The whole thing annoys me for two main reasons: (a) it hurts, and (b) I was on my way to my first Tai-Chi class in over three years. I was originally going to go yesterday evening, but it was cancelled due to the nasty weather. I was looking forward to going this evening - I expected that I would probably try to do too much, end up dizzy, and have to sit part of the class out. But at least I would be not sitting at home, and would be moving around a bit. Perhaps even get a bit more centered than I have been lately. I desperately need a way to relax, and tai-chi has worked wonders in the past.

Well, I guess there's one more annoying thing: eniastoa has been on my case to get more exercise, and will be disappointed that I didn't get to that class tonight. Well, shit happens: I didn't get there tonight. But I will get there next week - weather permitting.

movement, craptastic

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