I'm baaaaaack...

Sep 24, 2006 17:32

After a hiatus that stretched far too long, I am back online.

Note to self: if computer starts acting flaky, investigate immediately. Do not, I repeat, do not let it wait for a while. Things inevitably get worse.

Flaky power supply + flaky motherboard = computer making grindy noises instead of booting up

It was stressful, seeing eniastoa sitting amongst the spewed innards of my computer, saying, "Well, this is beyond my area of expertise..." So, we decided to take it to someone who builds beasts for a living, and pay him to make the damned thing work again.

So, of course, I can't get a new motherboard that wants to deal with good ol' Win2000, gotta upgrade to XPpro, and so on and so forth. In the end, I end up spending a bit more money than I expected to be spending, but I've got myself one screamer of a machine.

Still have more software to install, including e-mail. Should be back to (ab)normal soon!

grr!, craptastic

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