random update

Aug 11, 2006 17:07

Yeah, I know. I haven't posted the Epistle of Boozymatic the Numanoid yet. I'm still in a state of shock over just *how* fangirly I was. Am. Pant, pant, drool,...

Teaser: I scored a set list! Find out how later!


I have a cold. eniastoa was exposed to some bug while we were in Toronto, and he graciously shared it with me. Yup, hit him two days before me. (No, I didn't hit him, the cold did, silly people!) Oh well, he has to put up with me being sick. Guilt=Haagen-dazs.

I can't even do productive things like read my textbooks, because the big words make my brain hurt, and the books are too damned heavy to lift. I'm reading one of the 'based on the hit show CSI' novels. My advice is, don't do it. While reading it, I keep thinking to myself that I'm reading the closed captioning for one of the shows, except with more purplish-tinted wording.


Gotta drive my dad down to an appointment at the St. Joseph's Hospital Metabolic Stone Clinic, in beautiful downtown London Ontario, on Wednesday this coming week. So, I rent a car Tuesday afternoon, drive down to St. Catharines Tuesday evening, drive to London and back to St. Catharines and then back here on Wednesday. On Thursday, I sleep in, take the car back, sleep some more, and then dance my ass off at the Albion Hotel all night.

I'll need to blow off some serious steam afterwards. To be honest, I'm not looking forward to spending that much time with my dad in a confined space. I firmly believe in the 'driver picks the road music' rule - but does it extend to transporting Parental Carbon Units? Perhaps we'll find a compromise between Enya and Skinny Puppy. Perhaps he'll find a set of earplugs waiting for him??


Still nothing on the job front. I'm getting desperate. Haven't heard from *anyone* yet. Not a single solitary one. What the hell is wrong with these people? They know they need me. Perhaps I intimidate them - and they haven't even met me yet.

I'm not that scary. Really. Ask anyone who knows me...

pcus, updates

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