Nov 25, 2007 14:19
Wow, what a couple of days! man if you were working this weekend as a journo you'd be sweet... so much news!
Can't believe Costello has decided not to take up the liberal leadership. I reckon Turbull will get a run, not without a fight from Nelson and Abbott. *shudder*
But anyway, the important thing is they're in Opposition. I'll be interested to see how the Senate turns out. Hopefully a good mix of representatives to keep an eye on things, but I wouldn't be surprised if there are less minor parties than usual. I think a lot of the green/dem vote would've been swallowed up by labor.
It's dad's birthday today - howard losing the election + bennelong wasn't his best present, super conservative he is, but i think he likes a contest.
So fascinating watching Rudd trying to hide any hint of hubris, but he does come across as very confident if not arrogant at times. It will be interesting to see how he evolves as a leader. I guess one thing he does is inspire confidence, at least in his determination to "get the job done".
As for his frontbench, I have no doubt bill shorten, bob debus and greg combet will be nominated for porfolios, but it will be interesting to see how that goes too.
Well, im a happy little political nerd. SO much fodder... I'm not sad I'm not rostered on to work today though ! ugh no doubt we'll be doing stories on the election aftermath for days to come.