Nov 26, 2007 21:24
I am so tired right now. Why am I online? Anyway, I wrote something this afternoon in my head driving home, but put pen to paper when I got home.
Uranquity, purple haze on the horizon.
Pattison's curse has gripped you again.
There is a rumble in the valley,
Its bass notes crush the depths.
From whence does this majestic enemy spring?
Up close, stark and beautiful.
From a distance, the hills are a mottled grey.
A sprawling homestead is cushioned by the rise.
But you don't venture up there.
The speed limit changes suddenly and
it's the long stretch into town that leads you home.
Uranquity, your wild beasts feed on the 'curse
As if it were a potion for longevity.
But even they will face the slaughterhouse soon.