Sep 14, 2003 21:45
I have some questions for everyone:
1) When you are a cashier, and you are ringing someone up and the item doesn't scan, don't you hate it when the person says, "It's free!" (as if they are the first person to ever think of this!)
2) Do you have nicknames for any of your "regulars"? Some of our nicknames for our regular customers at B&N are:
--> The Captain
--> Damien
--> *insert guffaw sound here* (used when referring to Damien's sidekick)
--> The Pervert
--> Page Licker
--> Charo
--> The "Where Are You?" Couple
This list could continue for days...
3)Do you have people who
a) don't know what they are looking for
b) don't know why they are looking for it
&c) give you NOTHING to go on, to find it
4)Doesn't it seem that only the nastiest people come in, just to use your bathroom? Do you find that they leave it as dirty as possible as well as leaving not only the bathroom but the adjacent hallway smelling like ass?
Today we caught a guy stealing. It was such a rush (although I wish I could have tackled the guy)! A coworker remembered this guy from the other day, when he came in and was being very evasive and such. Anyway, today he came in with a large empty black bag. C (as she will be known here) saw him walk out of the store with the bag full. So, C told the department manager, K2. K2 followed the guy outside and watched him go across the street (we are across the street from a mall). The guy threw the bag up into the branches of the tress, and went inside the mall (probably to rip them off as well). K2 sent H over to steal the bag back!
I laughed my ass off watching this guy come out of the mall, and furtively searching for his stolen goods! When they got the bag inside the store, there was approx. $200 worth of books that had been stolen.
The guy even had enough nerve to come back in the store, but didn't mention, his bag, the books, or anything else. Our security guard kicked him out.
frustrating customers,
shoplifters and scammers,