Been a long time, eh?

Jan 29, 2009 09:33

Hi all,

Just wanted to drop in and give...well, not much of an update. Heidi and I have moved into our new (smaller) house and we love it. Things have been crazy with the move and lots of other things that shall not be! We are still going to hockey games (tho not this week, all the boys are staying home to watch some silly little thing called the Super Bowl...whatever!). I am writing, though not as much. And not about Jack and Ennis; I'm mostly writing in my journal. I'm getting very introspective in my "old age" and it's helping me greatly. I am also getting interested in art projects and being creative. We got a Cricut (if you don't know what that is, go look it up: We've been playing with it madly and making cards for everyone we know...and I've finally started scrapbooking. So many layouts and books and magazines about scrapping were based around small kids and documenting their every move (no offense to those of you that do that), but as a woman of 47 who only has step-teens, I felt a bit out of place. But I found some books at the library (where I work now, yay!) and I realized that I can scrap my journal, or just random events in my life. I scrapped a page for my brother's kidney cancer -- lol. I told him before the surgery to tell his surgeon to take a pic of the kidney so he could see it later, so he did and emailed it to me. I now have a lovely page of a cancerous kidney! (Hey, when you work in medicine for 12 years, stuff like that is fascinating.) So I am scrapping random things like our dogs and snowstorms and our cats who have eight toes on one know, those wonderfully amazing tidbits that keep the world turning on its axis.

So, as far as Jack and Ennis go, I still want to work on my teenage J&E story. I also want to take F&I and tweak it...there was so much that I wanted to change in that story after I read it back. I started reading OWL last night and was amazed-- I don't remember writing half of it! LOL. I have another plot bunny that has to do nothing with Jack and Ennis, so I may start working on that when things calm down a bit after this move.

And speaking of working at the library...may I just state what I see is the deplorable state of adult fiction these days? good God, does no one have an original idea anymore? Titles that start with "My Big Fat..."?? Nia Vardalos should sue! And so much lit aimed at women is just pathetic. I understand chick lit and all that, but damn, this oppressive theme of "just find a man and everything will be happy after after" is not only disingenuous, but insulting. I'm not  a man-hater (in fact, far from it, I love men!), but I don't care if it's a man, woman, dog, cat, fish, or Toaster's not going to make you happy. YOU have to make YOU happy! And relationships are a shit-ton of work. Some days just suck--there's no way around that fact. Fights happen. Words get said that should never have been spoken aloud. Feelings get hurt. Sure, there are good days--but if your bad days outweigh your good, then hit the road, sweetie.

As you can see, I've been very introspective lately. Things have happened that have made me really rethink my place in this world, where I'm going, and where I'm destined to be. I have a lot of conflicting issues right now and I am trying my best to sort them all out---so I think you can see why I haven't been writing fiction too much. It's all I can do to get my thoughts down about real stuff going on in my life; I can't really deal with fictional characters' issues too.

So, I hope all is well in your lives. Take care.



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