mininano entry two

Nov 03, 2009 23:08

Since my laptop died (and I'm still waiting for my hard drive) I'm trying to resurrect my WIPs. This one is my first foray (if I ever post it) into Magnificent Seven fanfiction. Yes tygermama, I haven't forgotten this fic! :D

627 words in un-betaed fits and starts of Obediah POV.

He squeezes my hand just like he used to do back before our troubles and I know we’ve come to an understanding.

Sometimes I wish I’d made my journey sooner and never met Mr Ketchum again, but what’s done is done and we can’t change that. I got my rights as a free man and Nathan got to hear what happened to his Mama. That’s got to be a good thing.

Besides I don’t know that Nathan would’ve been as ready to listen before, but my boy’s mellowed some since hooking up with his friends. I never thought I’d see the day that my son relaxed enough to let folks get close enough to call them friends. It gives me hope and makes dying more easy because I know my boy’s in a good place.

And so am I. (???)

Chris stood and glared, hands brushing his guns; and Ezra drawled something that back on the plantation would’ve meant a duel in the morning, and the fella backed down.

No-one’s said anything since, and nowadays I’m left to watch the comings and going; Nathan’s friends and a few townsfolk for company.

Even the judge came one time and explained to me his reasoning, and I ain’t criticising it. He did what he thought best; and I did what needed doing and that’s the way it is. I know ‘twas his daughter-in-law who talked him into not hanging me and I’m grateful for the time it’s given me with my Nathan. I tell her that, and she blushes all pretty like a little girl and turns the conversation. She tells me about her boy and soon we’re comparing our sons and swapping stories and I don’t know who’s more embarrassed, her Billy or my Nathan.

That Inez; she’s the prettiest thing I ever did see, and one of the busiest too. She’s always on the fly, thinking of the next thing to be done; working from daylight till dark like she’s kind of afraid to slow down. Buck he wants to have a hand in the slowing, but she ain’t having it. That handsome face and easy manner don’t work with her. Though I know for certain it sure does work with others. The girls flock to that boy like bees to a honey pot and he loves it. I ain’t never had the one girl, Jesus rest her soul, so I don’t understand Buck one bit. But I don’t got to after all. He’s good to those girls and never leaves them troubled or unhappy and I guess that’s a wonderful thing. The man will always be loved and we all need that.

Young JD he don’t understand his friend any more than I do. He’s a keeper that one, sets his heart on one thing and won’t be deviated. He’s already got his girl and she’s got him. When they wake up to it; those two are going to have a hell of a time, I’ll bet. They’ll love and fight and make each other crazy. It’ll be a grand life!

JD spends a lot of time reading to me; Ezra and Josiah do too. Me and Josiah have some fascinating bible talks; it’s amazing the things that man knows.

Vin he don’t talk much at all; but when he does, he’s as knowing as Josiah.

I ain’t seeing so well today. The street don’t seem as clear and the boys are just fuzzy outlines as they tease and talk beside me. Ezra bends down and looks me in the eyes and I hear him yelling for Nathan. There’s folks touching me and voices all around and my boy is crying. His hand is holding mine and I squeeze back with all the strength I can muster…

mininanowrimo, fic, magnificent seven

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