mininano entry one

Nov 02, 2009 21:51

A re-write of bits of chapter two of the Firefly bigbang fic; rough and un-edited - 617 words.

“Stop whining about it. It ain’t everyday a person gets a ship given to them,” Jayne sounded even more irritated than usual and Inara paused in the doorway to see if he succeeded where she and the Shepherd had failed.

“Zoe was the Captain’s first choice…” Kaylee started

“Well she ain’t here, and you are,” Jayne’s blunt logic never failed to surprise Inara. “And don’t start saying ‘what about ‘Nara and the Shepherd’ again, you’re the one Mal picked to have the ship.”

“What about you? You were ready enough to take over before,” Kaylee snapped at him. She’d be a terrible Captain. ‘Nara was much cleverer and the Shepherd was more experienced than any of them, though he tried not to let on that he was. Jayne knew stuff too

Jayne shrugged and ran his hand through his hair. Truth was he didn’t know why he didn’t want to take over. But Kaylee was smarter than him and for all her trusting nature could see through a person pretty quick. She were steadier than him too and could keep her temper. He’d blown more jobs than he cared to remember because he got angry at the wrong moment. Kaylee was steadier than Mal too, and weren’t likely to go off on a tangent like the Captain had been. Maybe with her they’d get some more legit jobs and now that the crew was down a few folks, the pay’d be better too. He’d stick it out for awhile and see how things went. He could take over later if he wanted or leave if he didn’t like being here, there weren’t nothing tying him down.

“Maybe I’ll takeover later, when your guard is down.”

“I know all your tricks Jayne.”

“All of them?” he leered at her, pleased when she giggled back. He was tired of permanently sad Kaylee and the gloom around the ship. Mal was gone and they still had to live

“Yep,” Kaylee nodded and sighed straight after. “Alright you’ve convinced me for now. I’ll be Captain.”


“Can we run the ship with just four people?” Inara wasn’t sure about the logistics of this.

“You’re staying then?” Jayne questioned in surprise. He thought for sure when Mal went she’d go too. He’d never quite worked out what one such as her was doing here anyway.

“My rent for the shuttle is paid for a month in advance. So yes I’m staying.”

“You can keep renting as long as you like ‘Nara,” Kaylee grinned happily. “The new captain says so. Long as you tell me stories ‘bout some of your contracts.”

mininanowrimo, big bang

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