a hit and run journal entry

May 02, 2007 17:01

This morning, I learned the difficult way that it's not smart to leave sitting on your desk overnight an unwashed mug previously used for hot chocolate. There were sugar ants all over the place! How do they find food so quickly? These little creatures are amazing things....

There's someone who I'm growing fond of rather quickly. It is a blessing to know this gentleman and be constantly encouraged by his faithful friendship. I got a note from him this morning that honestly took my breath away by the degree of maturity and kindness shown in it. Whatever God has in mind for him in the future, well, he's growing into it just fine. :-)

Erica and I got our hair chopped again last night, by going to a votech school and letting the students practice on us. Aside from the enormous amount of time it takes to get a haircut this way (two and a half hours!), I love taking the opportunity. We pray for the students and try to bless them in whatever way we can while we're there. This time, after the haircuts, Erica and I prayed for them in her car ... well, I prayed ... she cast out devils! This is a passionate lady, kind of the female equivelant to Michael. Anyway, my hair is really short again! I didn't care for how my student styled my hair, but hey, that's easy to fix. Wash it out and do it myself at home.

I've been really lethargic lately. Could it be from the smoke blowing down from the Georgia fires? Malnutrition? Coffee withdrawal? That frequent 2:00 a.m. text message that wakes me up because of forgetting to turn off the phone (hey, don't stop just because I mentioned it)? Or all of the above?

A verse from Proverbs 27 has been on my mind big-time this week. It is soooooo applicable to life, and personally it seems to correlate with what I feel is God's call on me to stewardship:

"Whoever tends a fig tree will eat its fruit,
and he who guards his master will be honored. "

hair, praise, g, quote, erica, nature

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