I was so frustrated with the stupid online form I have to submit for my visa (which kept going into time out even when I was nowhere near the twenty minute inactivity mark) that I wanted to yell at my laptop, no matter how ridiculous that would've made me seem. But I refrained and instead wrote a long message to my fellow exchange prospective to explain about the quirks of that form and then went to omona, hoping that something good would be up so that I could laugh my frustration away. And indeed it was (yes, Sungminnie, you should stop wearing one-piece dresses to bed and start wearing t-shirts and briefs as the little girl suggested, okay? xDDDDD) so I'm all happy now. Aaaaah, the uplifting power of k-pop!
(And yesss, finally a reason to use my Sungmin tag again! xD)
Fittingly, today's Music Meme theme is:
Day 03 - A song that makes you happy
If omona hadn't worked, this would've made all of my frustration poof away for sure! :D My ultimate instant!happy song these days is Super Junior's Happiness. It's cheesy and colorful and full of pasted-on smiley but I don't care because it just oozes the cute and happy in ways that are impossible to ignore for long. It also helps that I love seeing how cute and innocent all of them were, and then I think of Don't Don and just can't stop grinning because the contrast couldn't have been starker. xD
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