class confusion

Nov 27, 2007 00:26

MIT released their spring course listings today.

Do I drop the teaching ESL class (of dreams) so that I can take the class I really wanted to take at MIT?
Or do I keep the ESL and pick a class I'm not as enthused about from MIT?

Grahhh :///

The class I really wanted to take was International Relations of East Asia. They won't be offering it at Wellesley period, and not at MIT, either, next year. As I am an IR major, it also works toward completing my requirements... and, if you haven't picked up on it yet, I'm kind of interested in East Asia. XD;

But, but... teaching ESL! To Jin pretty boys... I want to try the education, though, too. I'm at a liberal arts college so I can try lots of different things, right?

I think, a little bit, this Bon Jovi album is growing on me. I like it more than I did this summer. Hm.

その笑顔僕に見せて Let me see that smile

自分が無力だって うつむきそうになっても
誰かの為に 出来ることは見つかるはずさ
理由もなく 生まれてきた訳じゃない
この星に あなたの手で光を灯すんだ

Even if you're ready to give up at your own helplessness,
you'll be able to find something that you can do for someone else
You weren't born for no reason
With this hand, shed light on this star
[With your own hand, light your way on this star]

溢れる言葉より 見つけたいあなたの笑顔 一つの笑顔
広げよう 世界中へ

More than the flowing words, I want to find your smile -- that one smile
Let's spread it across the world


Let me see that smile

love, schedules, lyrics, news, bon jovi, wellesley, decisions decisions, classes

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