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Mar 07, 2008 16:50

As the school year enters its final leg (8 weeks till the end of the semester!) my thoughts begin to turn to August.  August not only brings the start of the new school year, but also the beginning of another season of marching band.  My third and final!  Of course, marching band preseason tells us that football season is only a couple weeks away!  Since my mood in the fall is largely determined by the success (or lack thereof) of the MSU football team, I've decided to beat the sports magazines and post my prediction for the upcoming football season!

First game: at California - On paper, the 2007 California and Michigan State football teams look similar.  Both teams finished the season at 7-6.  However, it should be noted that California finished REGULAR season play 6-6, winning their 7th game against Air Force in the Armed Forces Bowl (ok, they can beat service academies, but isn't beating Air Force in the Armed Forces Bowl a little...un-patriotic??  It's like beating Jesus' fantasy football team in the Christian bowl, you may win, but you still lose).  For the first time in a long time, MSU won't have a opening game where they are a shoe-in for the win (although, there were times when they were the heavy favorite and they still blew it).  It's also on hostile turf.  It is going to be exciting to see MSU face off against a team that is on par with them for their opening game, it's also going to make me a nervous wreck.  I've come to enjoy watching MSU blow weaker opponents out of the water for their season opener - however, this can only make the team better.  While Notre Dame is keeping their fingers crossed for a win against San Diego State, MSU will be in the trenches, slugging it out with a worthy opponent.  Last time MSU faced off against California was in 2002, when MSU got blown out of the water 46-22.  However, that season was an abortion anyway, signaling the firing of head coach Bobby Williams.  That was then, this is now.  Look for this game to set the tone for the season.  If we can come out on top, we can expect good things from the Spartans ($10 says there won't be a single sports prediction magazine that has us winning this game...bastards.).  If we lose, but keep it respectable, then I think we can expect another middle of the road season, but improvement from last year.  If we get blown out, I might as well put myself on suicide watch right now.  However, I'm drunk off the green kool-aid, so I'm going to go out on a limb and call this one a win. (Record: 1-0)
Second game: vs. Eastern Michigan - Many of us remember the first half of the 2006 MSU vs. EMU football game, with MSU going into halftime trailing the Eagles.  I personally remember re-thinking my life while I watched the EMU band's halftime.  "Is this really happening?" I thought.  Well, thankfully, John L. Smith was able to say something to his team to get them fired up.  MSU came back out pissed off and steam-rolled the Eagles, giving the Spartan Stadium crowd their second - and final - home victory of the 2006 season.  However, this isn't John L. Smith's team.  What difference does it make?  Plenty.  Mark Dantonio teams come out of the gate fighting, even if they start a little slow.  In the 2007 season, MSU never lost a game by more than 7 points - impressive no matter how you spin it.  Even more cause for celebration is that the majority of the 07 team is returning.  The starters will be experienced and grounded, and the fresh faces will bring a new energy to the field.  We can expect to see the second string out on the field by the 4th quarter, as I see this being a very resounding victory...if it's not, I'll probably jump off the roof of Hubbard Hall. (Record: 2-0)
Third game: vs. Florida Atlantic - In 2007, Florida Atlantic shocked the Big Ten by defeating Minnesota...but then again, just about everyone Minnesota played  had their way with them.  Florida Atlantic is a very impressive Sun Belt team - they even managed to score a field goal on me in my dynasty game against them in NCAA 2007, which sounds like a blow out, but for a game against me, it's really pretty good.  Trust me.  I expect this to be a pretty good fight.  I expect to see Florida Atlantic coming in to Spartan Stadium with the experience of facing off against Texas, as well as a possible victory against UAB.  Will this put them over the edge?  Maybe, but probably not.  They will probably give us a run for our money, and I'll probably spend a good chunk of the game pissed off, but I don't expect this game to be an upset.  I expect MSU to avenge Minnesota and bring honor back to the Big Ten. (Record: 3-0)
Fourth game: vs. Notre Dame - the real fun begins.  MSU has the longest winning streak of any football team in Notre Dame Stadium.  Last time Notre Dame was able to beat us in South Bend, Bill Clinton was in his first term as president.  It's when we're at home that we get in trouble.  Normally, I like Notre Dame - it's a good school with friendly fans and a beautiful campus.  It's when I remember 2006, going into halftime with an energized stadium, pouring rain, night game - absolute emotional high - only to have it come crashing down in the 4th quarter that I want to give Charlie Weis home-made liposuction surgery.  Who could forget the side-line brawl which resulted in a penalty for MSU (if you didn't see it, watch the clip on youtube) after that bag of grease of a head coach claimed that he was slapped?  All I remember was watching John L. Smith throw his hat and chase a referee down the side-line...the next thing I remember, my squad leader was trying to get me off the bleachers and telling me to calm down.  I want to punch a leprechaun just thinking about it.  Some say we got our revenge last year by embarrassing them (again) in South Bend.  I say the revenge will come when we take them on in Spartan Stadium.  Last year, Notre Dame sucked.  All signs point to them having a decent season this year, and I have no doubts that they will.  I expect the Spartans to be greeted by a very energized home crowd - they will come out pumped up, but the staff will hopefully keep them focussed.  Notre Dame will put up a hell of a fight, but I expect to see this game bring in a new era of dominance over the Irish.  Our coach is slim, rugged, and takes no shit.  Their coach is fat, disgusting, and eats shit.  (Record: 4-0)
Fifth game: at Indiana - In 2007, the Indiana Hoosiers ended a drought that lasted over a decade and made their first bowl appearance since 1993.  They rallied around their deceased coach, Terry Hoeppner, and made a very impressive run - leading to a loss to Oklahoma State in the Insight Bowl.  I wish the Hoosiers well, but I doubt they are going to keep the "Hep" momentum rolling.  Their home attendance leaves something to be desired - most of their numbers are still in the parking lot tailgating by halftime, and most will stay there until the game is over.  Indiana did not put up a very impressive fight against the Spartans in 07, and I have my doubts on them putting up a fight in 08.  Look for the MSU defense to have its way with the IU offense, and look for Javon Ringer to put up impressive numbers.  IU won't roll over and die, but neither will MSU.  (Record: 5-0)
Sixth game: vs. Iowa - First of all, MSU shouldn't have lost to Iowa in 07.  It was a horrible showing, but they weren't really predicted to win.  Revenge will be on the minds of every Spartan vet, including their coach.  If my predictions are correct, this game will also be the game the Spartans need to gain bowl eligibility.  Plus, it's homecoming - which really means nothing, but we should at least have a good crowd and possibly a night game.  I look for the Spartans to come out thirsty for blood and kill the Hawkeyes.  We will gain bowl eligibility and I will throw one of my room mate's alarm clocks in the river to celebrate. (6-0)
Seventh game: at Northwestern - This will be the Spartans last game before the tail end of the schedule heats things up.  MSU is going to be pissed off about Northwestern's victory in 07 (Overtime, Spartan Stadium).  Northwestern is going to be pissed off about hosting the greatest come-back in Div. I-A football in 06 (John L. Smith's final win with the Spartans).  Basically, both teams are going to be pissed, but who is going to be better?  Northwestern proved last year that they don't suck, but so did MSU.  Northwestern showed that they can beat MSU, but MSU showed they can hang with the big dogs.  I'm going to put this game in the Spartans' corner. (Record: 7-0)
Eighth game: vs. Ohio State - Last year, MSU gave OSU a run for their money in Columbus.  This year, I expect to give them another run for their money in East Lansing.  However, it's going to take a while to beef up the talent to run with Jim Tressel's Buckeyes.  It is definitely possible that MSU could pull an upset, but I think that after a hard fought battle, OSU will come out on top.  That's a loss that I can live with. (Record: 7-1)
Ninth game: at Michigan - Pissed off.  That's what summarizes the MSU Football team, their coach, their fans, and me after the loss to Michigan in 2007.  Michigan tried handing over the game to the Spartans in the second half, but ended up coming to take it back.  The moment of silence on the block S, that pip-squeak Mike Hart's little brother comment, and the arrogance of the new Michigan football program left the Spartans with a foul taste in their mouths.  This year, that taste is going to be blood.  Michigan has opted to switch over to a spread offense, which is a completely new approach for them.  Everyone is excited about this, but not so fast!  Michigan's top receivers AND their quarterback pool jumped ship.  As far as receivers go, they should be fine.  However, they STILL don't have a quarterback.  It doesn't matter who you are, if you don't have a quarterback, you don't have an offense.  Case in point, Jimmy Clausen.  It is going to take a while and some talent to change over to the spread - and talent Michigan does not lack, but quarterbacks and star receivers they do.  It may just be wishful thinking, but I think this is going to be an off-year for Michigan.  Not to say they won't be back to "glory" in 2009, but 08 won't be their year.  The shroud of scandal surrounding new head coach DickRod leaves me thinking that Michigan is no longer in the Bo-era.  This will be our year.  This has to be our year.  I'm going to go out on a limb and put MSU over Michigan, but if I'm wrong (and I pray I won't be) I'm going to lay down in the drive-way of the CATA station and pray that one manages to run over me. (Record: 8-1)
Tenth game: vs. Wisconsin - Again, this was another game MSU should have won last year.  They managed to see past the media hype around Wisconsin and come very close to taking Wisky down in Camp Randall (a VERY tough place to play!).  Wisconsin is a very talented team, and I think they are going to have a very good season.  MSU needs at least one head-shaker loss, and I think this is going to be it.  While losing to Wisconsin is nothing to be ashamed of, and MSU certainly CAN win, I think we are going to come out smelling like stinky cheese.  I'll be pissed off, throw a boot at my room mate's face, stay in bed for a day, and then be right back on the green kool-aid Monday morning. (Record: 8-2)
Eleventh game: vs. Purdue - More like Purdon't.  Remember how I said I think MSU is going to blow the Wisconsin game?  Well they are going to get their asses handed to them after that one.  Dantonio hates to lose, and he hates Nickelodeon even more.  What does that have to do with anything?  Nothing, except that Nickelodeon never should have gotten rid of their old line-up - seriously, they suck now.  But back to Purdue - this could theoretically be Joe Tiller's last season at the helm of the Purdue football team.  Purdue is going to want to give him a hell of a send off, but this won't be it.  It's a game that we can lose, but I don't think we will.  Purdue just doesn't impress me enough. It's senior day in East Lansing, and I expect to see our seniors end their careers in style. (Record: 9-2)
Final game: at Penn State - The Land Grant trophy at stake.  Penn State blew a pretty good lead last year - the biggest lead that a Joe Paterno team has ever blown.  I like JoePa, I really do, but I think this is going to be his last year.  We have a very friendly, respectful rivalry with the Nittany Lions, and we know just as well as anyone that Beaver Stadium is a very hard place to play ball.  If I am correct and this is JoePa's last year, his players and his fans are going to want to rally around him and give him a final home win to remember.  I have no problems with that.  The guy has done a lot for college sports and for Penn State.  He is classy, even if his players are all criminals.  He'll get a final win at home, even if it's my school he has to beat to get it.  I'd like to see a win, but it won't be the end of the world if it's a loss, and I think it will be. (Record: 9-3).

I think this should land us in either the Capital One bowl or the Outback Bowl, but I think we're going back to Florida.  There is always a chance that Roses could be in our future, and maybe this will be the year?  The idea of the Parade of Roses makes me weep, and I won't mind a return to Orlando...even if the Citrus Parade made me wish for death.  At this point, if MSU wants to prove they are above Western Michigan-level talent, they just need to go to a bowl game every year - it doesn't matter if it's the Rose Bowl or Chuck's Discount Tire Bowl at the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater.  
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