Reveals are up at Snupin Santa on Lupin_Snape!

Jan 10, 2013 06:56

Well, I'm certain it was easy to tell what I wrote, but if you didn't already know...

I wrote There Once Was a Time [NC17] for littleisle and Upon a Crimson Tide We Sail [NC17] for Carolinelamb. I got the loveliest comments from my recipients. *giddy still*

There Once Was a Time for Littleisle, NC-17, 19,032 words.
Summary: The power released by the Battle of Hogwarts stirs up an old ghost. There's great magic and mayhem, a disappearance and revelations, and a change of heart, or two. Along the way, there's a bit of adventure and romance. And did I forget to mention, fairies?

Upon a Crimson Tide We Sail for Carolinelamb, NC-17, 8843 words.
Summary: Piratical practices, dark and dangerous, that's what the history books will say. But they'll never write about the brave Capt. Lupin or his first mate, Severus Snape, and the reckoning they had with the pirate king Sir Thomas Riddle.

I was gifted the most excellent time-travel fic of Severus Snape and the Orders of the Phoenix [NC17] by the remarkable ellid. I was blown away to discover this, even though I thought I might have been lucky enough to actually have a clue about who had written for me. Damn, I'm a very lucky woman to get such a marvelously detailed and well thought-out gift.

Ellid wrote Severus Snape and the Orders of the Phoenix for me, NC-17, 10,094 words.
Summary: Severus lost his dearest friend when Lily stepped in front of Tom Riddle's wand. He cannot stand by and let her child be raised by abusive Muggles, and if that means remaking the past to change the future, so be it.

To top it all off, I was also given a surprise gift: Through Time [PG13] by the lovely Knowmefirst. Wasn't expecting it, and am still immensely flattered to receive it. *grinning madly with happiness*

Knowmefirst wrote Through Time for me, PG-13, 2236 words.
Summary: Severus and Remus meet through time.

This was the last year for the Snupin Santa Exchange, and I'm sorry to see it go, but as all things do, there is change, and I'm just glad to see some different names in the mix and the wealth of talent and imagination still out there in the world.

I said this before, or a variation thereof: this ship is still sailing the oceans of potential, and there are many, many folks who are just waiting for a chance to board it and be swept away. Viva la Snupin flotilla!

lupin_snape, reveals, 2012, snupin santa

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