Fest Fic: Ribbons, Bows, and Busks [NC17] (Harry/Luna)

Jan 10, 2013 05:23

Okay, the reveals went up at daily_deviant on IJ, and I can say I wrote het! Well, go ahead, and let me know what you think. ~ Bonfoi

Ribbons, Bows, and Busks

Author: bonfoi
Rating: NC17
Characters/Pairings: primary couple: Harry Potter/Luna - past: Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley - secondary characters: Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger - Neville Longbottom/Millicent Bulstrode - Portrait!Snape/Portrait!Lupin - Draco Malfoy - Molly Weasley
Challenge: daily_deviant’s Kinky Kristmas 2012
Word Count: ~11,050
Summary/Description: Every witch and wizard has a true half, and Harry hasn't found his yet. But! There's someone who knows Harry is hers, and she'll get her man...flat on his back and happy to be there if she has anything to say about it!
Highlight for Warnings: * Dream Magic - Sex Magic - Sex While Wearing a Corset - Masturbation - Voyeurism - Het Sex - Anal Play - Workplace Sex - Cowgirl - Reverse Cowgirl *
Other Warnings/Content: Het - Post-Second Voldemort War - Romance - A Bit of OoC-ness - Cussing - Humour
Author's Notes: To my awesome, remarkable and utterly fantastic beta badgerlady, you rock my world every time you make my words and vision so much better! To my recipient-#34, venturous-het isn't my forte, but the chance to craft something for daily_deviant’s Kinky Kristmas 2012 won out over my reticence. That, and the fact you had Harry and Luna in the mix. To the mods whose kindness and compassion knows so few bounds, many, many thanks for the extension and the wishes for my good health. To each and every one: Happy Christmas and may all your Yuletide dreams come true! Originally posted here.

Part One | Part Two

fic: nc17, het, 2012, gift fic, challenge, dd_kinky kristmas, fest entry, bonfoi, harry/luna

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