Debt Collection [NC17] (SS/RL; SS/others)

Jan 10, 2013 05:12

Title: Debt Collection
Author: bonfoi
Rating: hard NC17
Pairing: Severus Snape/Narcissa Malfoy; Severus Snape/Harry Potter; Severus Snape/Lucius Malfoy; Severus Snape/Remus Lupin; Remus Lupin/Narcissa Malfoy; Harry Potter/Narcissa Malfoy
Summary: Severus has ways of collecting a debt that will leave someone screaming.
Challenge: Started for Severus_Sighs Anti-Valentine’s 2011 Prompt #4: Eenie, meenie, miney, moe... [As the audience can see, it wasn't finished then, but, it is finished now, 12-30-12, and offered for Severus' birthday, 1-9-13, so neener, neener.]
Word Count: 1,686
Genre: Alternate Universe; EWE; er…Romance?; PWP; Darkish!Severus; Darkish!Remus; conniving!Narcissa; Smut [Tongue firmly planted in cheek.]
Highlight for Warnings: * Dungeon Sex; Infidelity; Oral Sex; Dub-con; Bondage; Object Insertion; Voyeurism; Humilation; Exhibitionism; D/s; Het; Het Anal; Slash; Orgasm Delay/Denial; Felching; Snowballing (a.k.a. Ejaculate Swapping); Dirty Talk; Threesome/Moresome; Implied Food Smut; Implied Double Penetration; Cunnilingus *
A/N: This has been sitting on my hard drive for over a year, and during the winter fest season, I got re-inspired and finished it, warts, acrobatic sex, and all. Here's to Severus' birthday, because I have a feeling he'd rather do this than suffer through another lecture on Ministry politics...or whatever passes for conversation at the Hogwarts high table. *snerk* Many thanks to Badgerlady for the beta, and not snorting over this too terribly much. Originally posted here, f-locked on Severus_Sighs.

Collections were never when they were personal or have a very happy (sweaty) birthday, Severus.

fic: nc17, nsw, ss/rl, severus' birthday, snape/others, 2013, ss/others, bonfoi, nsfw, rl/ss

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