Fic Rec - The Werewolf and His Lover [PG13]

Dec 16, 2012 11:28

Title: The Werewolf and His Lover
Gaining Access: open to the public @ Snupin Santa
Author: a remarkable elf
Length/Word Count: 5,072
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Rating: PG13
Original Summary: Many years ago there was a ghost and a portrait who fell in love.
Genre: Drama/Angst
Warnings: see Genre
Why everyone should read this: This is the purest form of romance, much like that of which the troubadours sang in the medieval courts. It looks deeper behind the love a Portrait has for a Ghost, and it brought tears to my eyes with its gentle treatment.

I am not a fan of angst, but this story gripped me from the start and I had to read it to the end, such was the depth of emotion within this love story. I was reminded of the great romances-Wuthering Heights and Rebecca-and how my heart hurt for the lovers. This isn't a bad thing; the love of the main characters is so very evident, so blazingly bright, so alive.

Excerpt: Sometimes the only gift you can give someone is knowing when to stop talking. That’s not necessarily a tragic thing. Silence has let me cherish happiness in some dark places. There’s an infinite supply of happiness in the world if you just remember the secret behind happy stories.

recs, fic: pg13, 2012, snupin santa, severus/remus, rec, lupn/snape, remus/severus, snape/lupin

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