Fest Fic: There Once Was a Time [NC17] (Rl/SS; others)

Jan 12, 2013 14:19

When all is said and done, I had a blast writing this monster. The payoff was that my recipient, Littleisle, was well pleased by how I took her prompt and twisted it it around. I think this may be one of the longest pieces of fiction I've written in ages, and I'm very proud of it.

There Once Was a Time

Rating: NC17
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Summary: After the Battle of Hogwarts, the power released stirs up an old ghost. There's great magic and mayhem, a disappearance and revelations, and a change of heart, or two. Along the way, there's a bit of adventure and romance. And did I forget to mention, ghosts?
lupin_snape’s Snupin Santa 2012 Exchange
Word Count: total: 19,023
Genre: Alternate Universe, Post Second Voldemort War, The Time of the Founders, Time Travel, Romance, Action/Adventure
Warnings: No Remus/Tonks per se, Wanking for a Cause
Beta: To
badgerlady, my intrepid and wonderful beta, without whom I couldn't have done it, thank you! Any mistakes are mine and mine alone.
A/N: Written for Littleisle, who set me a challenge. There was so much to choose from. But, I think I settled on something that will intrigue you. Many thanks to Snupin Santa and the elves for your encouragement and extension. This monster wouldn't be tamed right up until the end.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five

there once was a time, fic: nc17, 2012, ss/rl, snupin, remus/severus, fest entry, bonfoi, snupin_santa, rl/ss

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