5x12 The Proof in the Pudding

Jan 27, 2010 02:49


This was a good episode all in all. I'm not a big fan of the whole JFK assassination conspiracy galaxy but they didn't overdo that at all. It was just right. Booth was superb as bad-ass protector of his squints but, really, he couldn't stand to be away from Brennan in her "hour of need." She did appreciate it and is getting more and more obvious about it. The team was tight, Cam provided just the right amount of leadership and quips, Hodgins had a ball exposing and plotting, Sweets relished the "action" together with his "big brother" Booth, Angela and Brennan bonded when their men were "testosteroning" away, ... The General Services Administration black suits-Men In Black, anyone?-were basically a foil to focus on our beloved characters. A very poignant scene occurred when Brennan without thinking brought up Booth's same-name ancestor who killed president Lincoln and Booth really got upset. He was already at the end of his nerves because signs were pointing at a government cover-up of the JFK assassination, the same government in whose name he killed many people as a sniper. Most importantly, Brennan ran after Booth and adamantly tried to apologize for hurting his feelings and insisting she wouldn't bring his ancestor ever up again. It was so emotional, so heartfelt of her. She can't stand to see him in pain, esp. if she caused it: she loves him, period.

Let me finish by mentioning the best reviews I've read so far: first and foremost, the " squeecap" by fiery_twilight , always an utter joy to read, then luckiestxclover 's screencap review, obrien_blue 's squeesome commentary, and Obsessed With Bones's more serious assessment. Happy re-enjoying this episode!

spoiler, angela, assassination, cam, hodgins, booth, sweets, jfk, brennan, 5x12

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