The Proof In the Pudding Recap!

Jan 22, 2010 11:37

My Bones 5x12 recap!

So thanks to my new apartment and not being able to see Bones in real time, I had to turn off my computer at about 8 o'clock last night to keep from being spoiled about the episode. So many people were saying it was such a good episode and Now that I woke up at seven this morning with a bowl of cereal and sat down at my computer and watched it......................


From beginning to end it was one of the best episodes I've seen in a long time. Even the minor characters were great!

I think MichaelJackon!Booth was pretty much the highlight of my week!

I was so happy that they finally had a plot. And a decent one at that. Not that I don't like Bones on normal terms I just think that lately the plots have been the background to the drama. I loved that in this one Plot and Drama shared the stage.

Sneaky!Sweets just made me laugh.

Cam kicked ass this episode. It proved that Goodman made a good choice making her the director of the group. And even with the whole Michelle might be pregnant thing, she still proved that she can be the HBIC with drama floating all around her.

*swoon* cocky!booth is my favorite.

Hacker: Wanna tell me why its so important you get in there?
Booth: They're my people,
Hacker: Oh God! Now you've going to prove that you're a better man than I am too?

I'm actually beginning to like Hacker. He's kind of funny.

Cam: Hodgins you're vibrating.

FINALLY!!!!! Conspiricy Theory Hodgins is back!!! *hugs* How I missed you.

Ever since Zack left, Hodgins hasn't been the same and I feel this season, he's finally going back to the Hodgins we know and love!!!!

BOOM!! I half expected him to say 'My Bad!' after he walked in.

White: How'd you get past the guards?
Booth: Sniper training... they taught me to walk really really quiet.

I laughed out loud when he said that. I love Booth and his witty retorts to men who piss him off.

This is just so random, but I love the fact that Booth's Socks made an appearance.

This episode has so much Angela/Hodgins stuff I nearly cried! I love Wendell, dont get me wrong. But Angela/Hodgins BELONG together.

Did anyone else see the look Sweets and Angela gave eachother after Bones said she thought the rendering looked like Booth? too cute!

Bones: You know who can do jibber-jabber?
Booth: Who?
Bones: Me!

The friendship between Sweets and Hodgins has made my heart soar. I love that they can make fun of eachother and still go see Avatar with no ill feelings.

Sniper!Booth followed by Cocky!Booth.... I could die happy after this scene.

Bones: Does this have anything to do with the fact that your ancestor was a famous assassin?
Booth: Bones...
Bones: John Wilkes Booth who killed President-
Booth: You promised you would never mention that, you said that to me!
Bones: No, You told me not to! I never promised.
But I promise now!
I promise now!

This was I think the best scene of the night. It allowed the stoic Booth to actually become a little vulnerable. And it showed Bones trying to understand why he is the way he is. Plus I love finding new things about Booths background. It makes me wonder how long they have been planning this episode or if they just realized, 'Hey lets have Booth related to the assassin John Wilkes Booth and have him making up for his family mistakes." its an interesting turn and one I hope they follow.

So to get my question answered I asked Hart Hanson himself.... via Twitter.

this is the first time i have EVER been answered in a tweet i send out. So he gets major brownie points.

Hodgins: The point is... I'm your guy
Angela: What?
Hodgins: I'm your guy. I love you. I love you. and I want to help you in whatever way I can. If you want to move in together. If-if you want to get married...I'm here for you, and for the baby.In whatever role you need.

again the squeeee-ing commenced.

I love that Cam can't even control how much Booth inflicting pain on this person brings her joy.

Cam: Big man always comes through!
(booth takes down agents)
Hodgins: You Butch Cassidy'd them!
Sweets: That was totally ninja.

Hacker: Oh Man, Ten seconds earlier and I would have been the hero, right?

Booth: Come here.
Bones: (laughing) You really didn't want this to be JFK
Booth: You know, you kept looking because of me. Thanks Bones.


Sweets: Oh, I’m oddly energized. I… I… I should be exhausted, physically and emotionally, but I-I feel like I could work all day.
Booth: Right, you should get home and get to sleep before you fall over, okay, Sweets.
Sweets: Okay.
Booth: Yeah. Head to the pillow.
Sweets: I forgot where I parked my car.

tv: bones

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