LENGTH: 449 CHARACTERS: Bren, Caell Tevel RATING: PG SUMMARY: Bren asks about how Caell became a hunter. NOTES: Takes place about 29 years before the series. CLAIMER: I own this universe and these characters.
LENGTH: 417 CHARACTERS: Bren, Caell Tevel RATING: PG SUMMARY: Caell has the day off, Bren thinks it's much too early to be bothered. NOTES: Takes place about 29 years before the series. CLAIMER: I own this universe and these characters.
LENGTH: 97 CHARACTERS: Bren, Caell Tevel RATING: G SUMMARY: Caell doesn't like his stuff being moved. NOTES: Takes place about 30 years before the series. CLAIMER: I own this universe and these characters.
LENGTH: 100 CHARACTERS: Bren, Caell Tevel RATING: PG SUMMARY: Bren has a way to encourage Caell to keep practicing NOTES: Takes place about 30 years before the series. CLAIMER: I own this universe and these characters.
LENGTH: 100 CHARACTERS: Bren, Caell Tevel RATING: G SUMMARY: Maybe rewarding Bren with eating out was a bad idea. NOTES: Takes place about 30 years before the series. CLAIMER: I own this universe and these characters.
LENGTH: 100 CHARACTERS: Bren, Caell Tevel RATING: PG SUMMARY: Formal introductions are made NOTES: Takes place about 30 years before the series. CLAIMER: I own this universe and these characters.
LENGTH: 100 CHARACTERS: Bren, Caell Tevel RATING: PG SUMMARY: Caell doesn't care about being in trouble. NOTES: Takes place about 30 years before the series. CLAIMER: I own this universe and these characters.
LENGTH: 88 CHARACTERS: Bren, Caell Tevel RATING: G SUMMARY: Bren and Caell's first meeing. NOTES: Takes place about 30 years before the series. CLAIMER: I own this universe and these characters.
Series Summary: Hunters are sworn to hunt and/or kill trouble-causing supernatural creatures in order to keep up order between the natural(a.k.a normal humans) and the supernatural. But as time goes on and years go by, being a hunter isn't as easy as it once was. While some hunters knew the supernatural personally as friends, lovers, and sometimes
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LENGTH: 410 CHARACTERS: Glyne Sorra, Shera Ysmeine RATING: G SUMMARY: Glyne has begun having small visions of the future. NOTES: Written using runaway_tales Pineapple #8 - I don't want to know, Strawberry Bannana #14 - fortunetelling; Topping - Whipped Cream CLAIMER: I own this universe and these characters.