CHARACTERS: Bren, Caell Tevel
SUMMARY: Formal introductions are made
NOTES: Takes place about 30 years before the series.
CLAIMER: I own this universe and these characters.
"Who are you?" The vampire asked him.
Caell shrugged. "I'm the one who saved your ass from possibly being hunted in the near future."
"I meant your name dumbass."
"It's Caell Tevel..." He crossed his arms. "I don't think I got your name either. You haven't said much since I fed you."
"... It's Bren..."
Caell patted the other on the head. "Nice to meet you Bren."
"What am I your pet?"
He shrugged. "As far as those guys back at HQ are concerned?" He tilted his head in thought. "Yeah you are. So be good and stay out of trouble."