To my recent pm-er(s):

May 25, 2009 01:05

Okay so I've had a SPATE of people send me very nice messages lately on pms in elljay that I can't reply to because they've got privacy settings turned to not accept pm replies.

I've tried to reply to all of you, with very long, detailed messages etc but of course there's no way you'd know that because of your privacy settings. A few people who've messaged me recently commented that they've been asking other people their questions but received no replies.

This would be why. ^_^;;

If you're under 18 when you signed up and specified as such when you got your journal I believe that livejournal automatically sets your privacy settings to this, and you'll get no notification of that so you need to double check when you sign up if you want people to reply.

So, if you've messaged me lately about the _simplyrandom skins, could you please turn your settings to be able to accept messages and re-pm me? I haven't been ignoring you, I just can't get back to you and a lot of the time you don't have any posts for me to reply to in your journals so I can't let you know that way. Otherwise if you friend her and have content in your journals - even one post saying what you're about - I'm sure she'll friend you back and you'll be able to access her work directly.

To the person that messaged me this evening, replies to your livejournal and screen capture/photoshop questions are as follows:

#1: Do you use Gadwin PrntScrn?
Nope, I'm on a mac and I just use the operating system's native screen capture system as it records high quality pngs straight out of the box ^_^

#2: Do you use Photoshop to make all your sims 2 pictures to same size?
Yeaps. I set a constrained proportion of 520x350 pixels at 72dpi in the cropping tool within PS and then crop each of my screenshots manually with that.

#3: (The most confusing of all)
I've been having some issues with my LJ-cut[ing]. Whenever I highlight all the pictures I want Under-the-cut I then click on the Lj-cut icon, and add the link (read more..) then I click post entry, I then go to view my journal entries and It shows the picture Advertisement that I want to be
shown, then it shows the link (Read More...) and then it had only 30 of my pictures under-the-cut but then it shows the rest of my 50 other pictures!!
I don't know whats wrong. I've had this problem all the time, and I tried switching accounts, using the HTML code, and I've been asking people but they haven't replied. Hopefully you can help me so I can start sharing my legacy!
I manually write all my lj-cuts. Just put the first one where you want with at the beginning of your cut and then when you want your cut to finish stick in and that'll work perfectly every time. ^_^

I never use the 'design view' to make my posts and always write the code myself so I'm not sure how finicky or what kind of weird bugs it has in that section. ^_^;;

Additional: About the Photoshop question, I don't know how much it costs, Because I use Gimp, And I don't think there is an option to make all the pictures be the same size, or make it add a border at one time, and its getting really frusterating. Unless you use a different program, could you please tell me? Thank you if you're able to help me!! :|
Gimp is an awesome program, especially since its free and open source so I would stick to that instead of forking out a tonne of money for PS if you're not going to be using it for an art/design/photography/related degree/career. I'm SURE there's ways of setting the crop tool to have specific options, I wouldn't know where to find them though as I haven't used Gimp since around '01 ^_^;;

For borders I've set up an action set in PS that selects the entire canvas, strokes the selection on the inside with a 5 pixel width white line, and then strokes it all again with a 1 pixel #CCCCCC line. You could just set the borders on all your images with a border setting on the pictures though and not worry about putting them in the actual pics themselves. ^_^

There's surely a way to set that kind of thing up in Gimp, I'd advise hunting around for some Gimp tutes - there's probably even an elljay comm or two dedicated to the program - and finding out where you could customise that kind of thing from there.

Hope that helps!

the sims 2, help, livejournal

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