*hugs for my Mum*

May 24, 2009 14:21

Just got a phone call, my Uncle's wife died last night.

She had a weak heart and needed bypass surgery but there was no way they could afford the 1 million plus pesos it was going to take to have it. She was alone with their youngest child - he's 14 - and she told him she was going to take her medication and go to bed... And just collapsed and died.

My Uncle's taking it really hard, not forgiving himself for not being home when it happened and being out with his friends instead. Mum tried to explain to him that there was no way he could've known but still with it being so new that's not really any consolation.

*hugs to him hard core and my cousins*


Mum seems to be taking the news alright, but she's feeling guilt that she couldn't do more to help. But its like, Mum, they have OTHER family, Daisy's family was well off they could've helped. We hardly have much ourselves and she put one of their daughter's through nursing school... Augh its hard >_<;;

Mum's not been taking care of herself either, since a friend of her's husband committed suicide a few weeks ago she's been staying with her friend and making sure she's okay over her own health.

I'm really glad Dad's decided that they're going to drive out to Lake Eyre the end of this week for a short holiday. Dad's ACHING to see the Lake full of water (it hasn't been since the 70s) so theoretically with just the two of them and without the GAZILLION people Mum usually spends all her time looking after around she'll pick up a bit at least stress wise.

*flails about*

family, mum, death, stress

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