The time has come! What time is that?

Feb 09, 2006 14:15

Its Walrus time! :D

Brought to my attention at anachrotech:
The Difference Engine: In Lego.



Oh god. Its only 10:34am and I'm SOOOO BORED! I'm trying to do personal work (stuff for binka_boo for her play for example) but it feels OHSOWRONG!™ to be doing that on work time THIS early in the morning. If it was maybe 3pm or so I'd not be feeling so bad, but UGH! So basically I've been working on my own personal stuff for over half an hour now thinking the time would pass quickly but nope. GAWDS...

I looked over the WIP sheet to find anything new I could do. Nada. I can't even clean out my desk or anything because we've moved so there's nothing to clean. "Shirking" work and wasting time surfing loses its lustre when there's nothing to shirk...


Fast forward in time..!

I just spent $45 on fabric because I don't have enough patterned gear to make ensembles for dollfies and because I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO WEAR TO binka_boo'S PARTY THIS WEEKEND! GAH! ;_;

BUT Now I will/do! XD Although crap.. Not sure if I have the right coloured threads. OOPS! Guess I'll be cutting tonight and then sewing tomorrow night. I can live with that. But yes! I am MOST enamored of the fabrics I bought they're a lovely combination of pretty + touchy feely that I admire in most things. Pulling it off will be interesting, and I kinda wish I had more in the way of matching jewellery but I actually believe I've got some stuff that I made previously that I can rip apart and re-assemble YEAH! Heheheee.

*is looking forward to making this stuff*

fabric, work, birthday, sewing, steampunk

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