Scenes from a mall:

Feb 10, 2006 14:44

a) Man with vivid red contacts and scruffy 'outback' goth clothes staring out every girl that passes by in front of a trading card shop.

b) Small human worm baby of the male persuasion bawling his eyes out like a banshee whilst he clings to his mother's hand for dear life. He is dressed like a grim reaper, cloak and everything.

c) Headline for today's paper:
Embrace every new day:
Snake kills father of 8


Lorelei is back at the day spa! Awww! Having a lovely time getting all sorts of things shiny and new. Not sure if she'll be finished by tonight, so if not have a good weekend everyone, see you on the flip side! :D

EDITS!: Lorelei is definitely in the shop all weekend since they weren't quite finished with her so even though they offered for me to use her over the weekend, I've got a crapload of sewing to do anyway so! No internets for me till Monday. Have a good one guys!


Looks hot (watch it with no sound first for extra oomph), looks terrifying, and not for the same reason as the first.


From what origin is the name Osbedt?

film, lorelei, people, movies

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