
Oct 30, 2006 00:44

So, Halloween came and went. Strange you say? How can that be? It's not October 31 yet

Apparently, Halloween in Athens is always on a Saturday. Great idea....just wish somebody could have told me with more than 24 hours notice!!!!!!!!
So, I find this information out Friday night. Ran to wal-mart at midnight and spent an ungodly amount of money for what I was actually able to pull off. Pics will most likely be posted on facebook soon....probably by a lot of people. Why? Because I was 'That Guy' and I had a fucking blast!

It was "who drank Bob's guavaberry rum?!?!" all over again, except this time i was dressed as the great gonzo and in the middle of some 50,000+ people, ~20,000 of which were scantily clad women. I was fine with Newcastle and Grey Goose, rather tipsy but overall calm, collected, and fun. Then Jack decided he wanted to crash the party, again. So me and Jack cut loose. Breakdancing gonzo, high fives everywhere, I found a camilla and hijinks ensued. Danced with some whore traffic-director girly, hopscotched, yelled a lot, it was awesome. Crashed on someone's floor, and all was well.
And in typical Tim fashion, I survived a night of insanely drunken hijinks unscathed, without a hangover even, only to smash my head onto a low overhang and crunch my neck in the costume shop. Completely sober, not in a rush, just turned around and didn't realize the door was only 5 feet tall. So yea, my neck hurts like a motherfucker right about now.
Finishing up my steel project, sculpting a swordfish face to be wonderflex-ed, and finishing the swordfish tomorrow morning. Then on to drafting for my TD class. There are only two weeks left and I have at least 3 weeks of jam-packed work to do. We'll see if I can pull it off in time. If not......oh well.
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