SO far there are 655 people playing zombies vs. humans in Athens. Here's a link to the info: Hopefully you can read it, if not tell me and I'll re-post the forum on Livejournal. Eric and I will be making and modifying our weapons this weekend since a halt has been called so the cops don't bust our heads. They get rowdy on the weekends. So, we're going to make our weapons, go hunting monday and some of tuesday night, and then start preparations for next year. All the nerf guns in town are sold out, so we're having to make our own. We have decided that for next year, we will be making an arsenal of modified weapons, and become illicit zombie-arms dealers. We're outfitting a troop of WW1 British soldiers next quarter, and I plan on casting a shitload of old grenades. We'll already have the mold, I'm thinking flexible poly-urethane foam grenades by the case, and modified nerf rockets, shotguns, tommy-guns, and high-powered nerf sniper rifles for next year. Set up back-alley deals, selling guns by the case. People would buy them too, they absolutely destroyed this town's supply of nerf guns. The game has literally taken over the streets here, I recommend some of you fuckers try to put together a game on campus. I don't see it going over too well in charlotte though. Not much of a nightlife there. Anyways, can't hurt to try. It's super fun, start a game
And I'm back to steel work