..of my saturday evening
So, as is usual of my drunken escapades, I don't really know what happens until the beginning of the week. I noticed a cut on the back of my middle finger on my left hand this morning, and my knee felt strange all day. Come to find out, there was about an hour to an hour and a half I don't remember. Sound familiar?
So apparently I punched a Penquin in the face.
No joke. I broke away from the muppet crowd and they came searching for me, finding me about an hour after I left them. I was sitting on the steps of a church, apparently reflecting on the fact that I had punched a penquin in the face. I have absolutely no recollection of this, and if I did I'm sure he deserved it, but I don't really get violent, just rambunctious.
All the other stories conflict, I believe there are pictures floating around. It's like a fun little detective game. So when I get some time, I'm going to scour facebook and see if I can find pictures to piece together the hour I lost. It sounds like it fucking rocked, I made one of our troop wet herself from laughing. I'm finding out more details.
I can't say I'm glad this happens when I drink at social gatherings, but the anticipation is exciting. I'm afraid soon the lies will roll in, because now people know I can't refute them. But I didn't get arrested, I'm not seriously injured, as far as I can tell I didn't hurt anyone too badly, and I've been told that everyone from my group had a much better time because of my drunken idiocy. So I guess all is well for now.
Now we wait for photos to put the puzzle back together....