
Jul 10, 2007 18:50

I spent the early part of the day at the hospital where I will have my operation on Monday. Following a phone call yesterday afternoon I went this morning for what I thought would be a vampire bite to check out my blood, similar to examinations the docs have performed prior to the past two surgeries.

Upon my arrival I was delighted to see the Professor as I sat in the waiting room, not that I thought he would have time to chat with me as I didn't have an appointment to see him - or so I thought. I managed to let him know that I had my new scans with me which he seemed quite pleased to hear and thereupon introduced me to an anesthetist and asked that I follow him into a consultation office. Surprised, I did as requested - my friend Anna came with me since I had told Froggy to go to work (no need for him to miss work for a vampire bite). Once seated, the Professor began to explain the details of my case to the anesthetist (a gentleman I had actually met once previously). Despite all the mumbo-jumbo medical jargon I realised at once the implications of what he was saying: "had previously scheduled an exploratory pelvic examination but in light of the letter I have just received about the latest scan results...."

I will undergo liver surgery on Monday. The ovaries are not a problem anymore. The cyst is actually liquid trapped in the peritoneum thus it is a peritoneal cyst and not an ovarian cyst. The liquid is not dangerous and its removal is therefore not a priority.

The fear that has been waking me at night is still dissipating. OK so they massacred my left arm trying to suck out 12 tubes of blood (to no avail upon which they opted to pass via my PAC). So what if I have to go back tomorrow because the blood they managed to siphon out was coagulated and not exploitable. My ovaries are safe. I will have my liver surgery on Monday. It could/should be the last operation.

I won't get my hopes up. Anything can happen. But I can't help but smile inside - the news is just too good.

hospital, vampire, surgery, fear

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