Vampire once a month!

May 12, 2007 12:21

Chemo went very well yesterday! I shared a room with a fantastic lady. She's retired now but used to be a documentaliste. We got to chatting because she was knitting. Then we moved on to books and our mutual love of books - everything about books. She currently restores book bindings with a group of her friends for their local library. We talked for hours about knitting, books, French history, real estate, gardening, European law, recipes, kids today, society.... The time flew by. I'm not familiar with the type of cancer she's afflicted with. I don't remember what she called it but she has metastasis in/above/on her liver and in the throat region (lymph nodes?). She said that neither radiotherapy nor surgery were on the cards for her cancer - the only treatment being chemotherapy. Anyhoo she received hers and I received mine, and we were so busy chatting away that she didn't knit much and I only read a few paragraphs of my book.

So the docs have decided that I'll only receive the antibodies (Erbitux) for the moment. Yeah!!! OK so that means I'm at the hospital once a week but so what! No extra injections on chemo days (with the Campto I get a shot of anti-allergy stuff ten minutes before I receive the product). And even better news: the vampire only comes ONCE A MONTH!!! Yipeee! *dances about*

The main objective at the moment is for me to gain weight. (My oncologist said that if I could gain even two more kilos I would be doing good. I'm really going to work on gaining six or seven.) If my cancer markers start rising then they'll reconsider giving me Campto.

He also offered to give me a copy of the post-op letter he received from my surgeon. I said no for now as I believe the professor will give me a copy when Froggy and I go and see him on Tuesday. (Boy do I have a lot of questions buzzing around in my head.) I think I should give him the first opportunity to let me know what happened during the operation and what the next steps are. If he doesn't give me a copy of the letter then I know I can always get one from my oncologists.

Last night I was sleepy - we vegged in front a documentary on the history of flooding in Paris. It was very interesting and quite alarming considering the recent floods. *Thinks of Magicalobizuth and her flaming LJ*

Now we're up for a nice webbing weekend. Can't wait for Froggy to return from his run.

websites, friends, chemo

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