bobby1933 Feb 17, 2017 22:43
faith, richard rohr, rohr meditation archive
bobby1933 Oct 20, 2016 17:09
sacred poetry, power, faith
bobby1933 Oct 20, 2016 17:01
sacred poetry, w. s. merwin, silence, faith, notes for a wayless journey
bobby1933 Sep 04, 2016 14:19
faith, gnosis and agnosis, freedom, taoism, spiritual practice, meditation, awakening, wu wei-non-action, emptiness, open heart, acceptance, notes for a wayless journey, contemplation, attitude, mysticism, 12-step programs, via negitiva, 4th step, generic meditation issues, cloud of unknowing, brain
bobby1933 Aug 14, 2016 16:09
sacred poetry, faith, religion, 12-step programs, nature mysticism
bobby1933 May 23, 2016 21:03
sacred poetry, acceptance, taoism, faith, notes for a wayless journey
bobby1933 Dec 12, 2015 00:24
faith, spiritual direction, richard rohr, mysticism, spiritual experience, spiritual practice, rohr meditation archive, spirituality
bobby1933 Feb 28, 2015 10:01
mind, taoism, faith, mindfulness, tao te ching, wisdom, sermon on the mount
bobby1933 Jan 17, 2015 16:48
mind, zen taoism, james hillman, faith, gnosis and agnosis, he who loses his life will save it., taoism, self, meditation, john of the cross, wu wei-non-action, emptiness, open heart, humility, ego, notes for a wayless journey, evelyn underhill, contemplation, wisdom, perennial philosophy, via negitiva, doubt, cloud of unknowing, gratitude
bobby1933 Oct 28, 2014 13:09
personal life, power, faith, love