Bloody Diaries Convention - Day 2 (08.06.2013) (Part 1 because it's looooooong XD)

Jun 10, 2013 18:20

Okay... onto Day 2, are you ready? XD I hope so... :-P

Like I already mentioned in "Part 1" of my report - the day started fairly early and so before my alarm had the chance to go off, I was woken up by Marie's birds around 6 a.m. but since I went to bed not THAT late, it wasn't that bad and I wasn't even so tired... =)

I stayed in bed until like 7 a.m. until Marie got up as well... she took a shower and I checked Facebook and such and got dressed while Marie was in the bathroom and afterwards I went in there and brushed my teeth and my hair (of course not with the same brush XD) and put on Eyeliner and mascara (I never wear more make-up than that) and then we ate someting and left home around 9:00 a.m. to be at the Convention hotel in time for David's Panel which would start at 10 a.m.

There wasn't THAT much action when we arrived there, and we looked around a bit and when the Panel Room opened, we went upstairs and fortunately got the same seats than the day before. We sat on the "edge" of Row 13, Block B, so that was mostly in the middle, and we had the perfect view to the stage again.

First, Mark Ferguson came on stage and said a few words and then he announced David and there he was... "my" guy... *sighs* I was seriously NERVOUS... MORE than just nervous, because I had planned to ask David some questions during his panels and I wasn't sure whether I would be "brave enough" to do so. I never did that before and even though my english is quite good, it still cost me quite an efford to actually go for it. I waited for a few people to ask question and since one of the microphones (there were 3) was standing right next to me, at some point I was like "Fuck it, Let's do this" and stood up.

If there were people on all 3 microphones, they went from te left to the right and back to the left, so I waited until it was my turn and I asked my first question...

I asked David "How was it to work with Sebastian Stan? What's their relationship on the show?" and he was like "You wanna know what kind of relationship we have? Like me and Sebastian?" and I was like "yes" although it wasn't EXACTLY what I wanted to ask *lol* XD Anyways... he was like "Sebstian is one of the greatest guys I've ever met and we're like best buddies and always hanging out when we're both on sets and oh, we're big huggers. We always hug, we can barely keep our fingers off each other"... *coughs* (He wouldn't have said that if he knew what "it" did to me, I'm quite sure XD) He was also going on saying that he loves to work with Robert Carlyle as well, and I had to interrupt him asking "even when he beats you up?" and he was totally amused saying that this episode was "embarrassing" and that he hasn't even announced it on twitter like he usually did, because you could have missed him in the blink of an eye. I was talking about an episode where he was mentioned in the opening credits and I was like "OMG, a david episode" and then he was there literally 10 seconds, being beaten up by Rumpelstilzkin (Robert Carlyle's character), and then he was running away... so that's the story behind that! XD

I sat down again, but I had 3 more questions in my mind (I SERIOUSLY did that 4 times), so after a while I got to the microphone again to ask my next question.

Which was "Do we see Victor again or is his story told?" and he was like "His story definitely isn't told, but I don't know when I will be back. I haven't gotten a call yet" - so well... he hopes to be back soon, but he doesn't know when.

My 3rd question was: "Is there any actor you like and would love t work with?" - and he named a few like Marlon Brando and such (which isn't possible anymore of course) and I didn't know all of them, but then he mentioned Johnny Depp (and people in the room where cheering because of it, because seriously, it's Johnny Depp!!!) and then David started to tell "his story" with Johnny Depp, because he actually had had the chance to meet him one day when he was filming somewhere and found out Johnny was filming closeby too and went there to meet him and Johnny's agent really brought David to Johnny's trailer and when the door opened, Johnny was eating somthing and he invited David in and they had a smoke and David was totally excited like "OMg, it's Johnny Depp", but he had only good things to say about Johnny. About how cool and nice he had been and how "normal" and that it was just seriously great and that this was an awesome moment for him. He was like a "fanboy" telling this story, so I'm quite sure he knows exactly what "we" (aka his fans) are going through meeting him... :-)

My last question was about ARROW. I was asking him if it's possible that we see his character again on the show, even though he's in prison, and he was like "I'm not dead, so you never know. Not right now, but if the writers want, they'll find a way to bring Cyrus back"... that was quite awesome! :-)

Funny thing is: When the first "Arrow" related question came, he was like "Right, I was in Arrow too. I totally forgot" *lol* And that wasn't a joke, I'm quite sure in that very moment he REALLY didn't have this role in his mind XD

He got asked if he's afraid of death and such, and he was like "no, I'm not" and he mentioned a quote... he said something like "Dream as if you live forever and live as if you die tomorrow" and that this is kind of his motto. That he tries to live like that and make the best of every moment. He said if he's on a plane and there are turbulences he's not like "OMG we're dying", he's like "If something happens, I had a good life" and such... I was pretty impressed by tis answer to be honest. Maybe that's why I remember it so well...

He was also asked about Meghan Ory's character on "Once Upon a Time" and if he's sad that she's gone, because he seemed to like the idea of being paired up with her, and he said, that he would have loved to play that out, but that there are enough "single ladies" in Storybrook, so he'll find someone else XD But he also said how great Meghan is and how proud he is of her and that he wishes her the best of luck with her show. And he said that their chemistry was great and he felt it too and tried to transport it on the screen!

There were a lot more questions I can't recall right now, but I think that's enough anyways... XD

A few of my best Pics of David's first panel :-) God, I love this guy soooooooo much!

After David's Panel it was Malese's "turn", but since David's photo shooting would start at 11:30 (his panel was from 10 to 11) and Malese's would be from 11 to 12, I knew I wouldn't be able to watch the whole... I stayed in the room for a bit - until like 11:20 and then I went to the photo room (this time the 2nd) to line up for David's 2nd photo-shooting, where I decided to take my other 2 pictures... and AGAIN I was extremely nervous... AND it was quite bad, because actually, I wanted to do some other pictures the first day, but I wasn't brave enough to ask him, so I was scared I wouldn't be able to do it, AGAIN... There were less people this time, I had pictures 33 and 34 this time, so it was my turn quite early...

When it was my turn and I walked over to him (telling the guy and David again that I had 2 pictures) I said "Can I have a handkiss?" and he grabbed my hand and was like "sure" and I was like "and can you go on your knees for it?" and he was like "You want me on my knees?" and I replied "Please?" and he was like "Yeah, sure" and knelt down, kissing my hand once... twice... three times, and AGAIN nothing happened...

Seriously, I don't know what it is with this photographer and why that always happens with me, but this time there were some problems with the camera, so we waited, with my hand in David's and yeah... he kisse my hand a 4th time for the picture... not that this is a bad thing, but it made me nervous like hell... you have NO idea... especially because he was looking at me the whole time!

It turned out quite nice, I think... And when I was collecting the picture later, literally EVERYONE wo saw it was squealing over it and telling me how adorable it is... I grin like crazy again, but I like it XD (the story with the autograph on it will come a little later XD)

Just like the day before he was like "So, what pose now?" and I was lost for words for a moment and NOT doing what I usually wanted, saying "Can you hug me from behind?" and well... of course he did that... and even though that pose wasn't planned at all, I still love that picture VERY much. I think it's one of my favourites :-)

I love the way David looks... he looks quite satisfied XD

I came out of the photo room fairly early, and so I went back to the panel room and even got a little more of Malese's panel. She is so cute. She was asked if she wants a family some day and how important family is for her, and she replied that she DOES want kids and a family one day and that she even might do less acting once this happens, but she doesn't even have a boyfriend because she's quite a handful and she has to find the guy that can keep up with her. She also totally enthused about a show called "Nashville" and said that she would do literally everyting to work in taht show because she loves it so much. She was also asked why her faith is so important to her, and she said that Jesus always was her anchor and that she's just a very strong believer and that she never feels alone because of it... So yeah, from what I got of her panel she was adorable :-)

Right after Malese it was Torrey's panel from 11 to 12. Her shooting would start right afterwards (at 12), so I wasn't sure if I should stay until the end, because I didn't want to miss out on her shoot and I wasn't sure how many people would line up for it, but I stayed until 11:50, so I don't think I missed all too much.

You have to know: It was Torrey's birthday that day. I found it rather adorable that she spent her birthday "with us"... at the convention. Instead of being home with her family and such, and Mark Ferguson and the people on the room already arranged a "code word" and when the code word came we all had to sing "Happy Birthday" to her... she was sooooo cute, she started filming it with her phone and was really touched. And she looked SO beautiful in that dress... which was from H&M by the way :D She was asked where the dress is from and she told us "H&M" and that she "Just" bought it... such a great dress and she looked so awesome...

During her panel, literally every 2nd person asked her if they could come on stage to give her a present... and she was totally happy and adorable and jumping in happiness when she got that little plushie pony or what it was running around "I have a pony and you don't" and such... and was just soooooo great... I have to admit: at SOME point I found it rather "annoying" that instead of asking questions they all just wanted to give her something - they could or should have used the autographs for that - but since she was so sweet about it, I didn't mind all too much.

She was also asked if Paul got her a present and she said that she indeed got a really nice present from him. A bracelett, but that she isn't wearing it, because she has so thin arms and too many braceletts look good on it.

I asked her 2 questions... first it was about "Pretty Little Liars" and I wanted to know if we'll see Melissa again in Season 4, because in Season 3 she was barely there. She said she WOULD be back, but only for 2 episodes, since she's a series regular in "Army Wives" now and most of the time it would collide with PLL... but that Army Wives of course has priority now. Which is quite a shame, because I love her in PLL...

She was also asked about her favourite pairing in PLL and said that it was Aria/Ezra and Emily/Paige, because she thinks Paige is one f the cutest girls...

I don't even remember my 2nd question... damn, where's my brain... I know I asked her 2 questions but I can't recall my 2nd one... well... maybe it'll be on the Con DVD when it comes out... XD

Anyways... it was a great panel, but I left a bit earlier to line up for her photos... I got numbers 81 and 82, so there were already quite a few people waiting, but not THAT many...

And this time I was pretty nervous again, because I seriously love that woman SO fucking much. I had printend out the 2 poses I wanted to do wit her, but I wasn't sure whether she would do it or not... and when it was my turn I showed her the pictures saying "If it's okay for you, I'd love to have those 2 poses" and she was like "Oh, sure, why not?" and then she stood in front of me... ACTUALLY I wanted the pose te other way round, but in that moment I wasn't really "brave enough" to ask her so, so I just thought "whatever"... I wanted HER to hug me from behind, but in the end *I* hugged her from behind... and I think the picture turned out quite nice anyways... I seriously love bot pictures I have with her...

After the 1st picture Torrey looked at me and was like "Excuse me, you have to help me, what was the 2nd picture? Back to back?" and I was like "yes" and then we stood there and Torrey was like "With hands holding, right?" and she entwined her fingers with mine and was like "Like that?" and was like "Yeah, exactly like that" :-) I love our picture! SO much! :-)

After the photoshooting there was some kind of "break"... They were preparing for the autographs and so Marie and me decided to get something to eat in the shopping mall. I wasn't sure if we would be back in time for the autograph session. It was about 12:15 when we left and signing would start at 13:00 but I said, if I'm nt there in time, I'll get my autographs on Sunday since there was another possibility then. Plus: They would go with numbers - first 1-250, then 251-500, and so on... Ihad 568, so I thought I would be later anyways... And yeah, after we came back, the autograph session had barely started... and even though they had only called numbers to 400 in yet, they let me in because most people were there for Ian and Paul and David and Torrey had a very short line, so they asked "Is someone there for..." and when I said "I only want Torrey and David" they let me in... and when I reached David's table there were only 4 or 5 people standing in front of me... I had my autograph picture prepared in a casing and I had my pictures of the photo shootings in it, too. The one with David kissing my hand on top!

An autograph from David cost 25 bucks... so when it was my turn (and I was standing there ALONE, there was no one behind me) I gave David the picture and he grabbed it, asking for my name and I spelled it to him, and then he noticed the picture of him kissing my hand, grabbing the casing and looking at it, saying "Oh my god, this is awesome. This turned out quite nice. I should always do pictures like that, not looking into the camera, because I look awful looking into the camera" and I was like "No you don't", and he was "I do"... he pulled the picture out of the casing looking at me saying "Can I sign it?" and I was like "I only have 1 autograph coupon" and he was like "Can I sign it anyways?" and I was like "Usually I don't let my photos get signed" and he was like "Please?" and so I gave in...

Yeah, that sounds awful, but I usually don't like my pictures with anything scribbled on it. But I couldn't resist im asking so sweetly. Plus: Usually it would have cost me another 25 bucks and i was fairly afraid that they would charge me another 25 bucks or that David would get in trouble, but nothing like that happened... but seriously... isn't he the CUTEST? He did this just like that and I simply love him for that. Even more now... :-)

That's the story of how the signature got on my picture with David :D

After David, I lined up for Torrey with only 2 people waiting in front of me, and Torrey was just sooooooo great!  :-) When it was my turn she looked at me saying "You German Girls are soooooo pretty"... I mean, how ADORABLE is that? I said "I wanted to wish you a happy birthday" and she was like "Oh, that's so sweet of you", and it just made me seriously happy! She then asked me for my name and signed my picture and I told her again how great I think she is.

She also remembered me from the photo sessions obviously, because when she signed the picture she said "Where are our photos? I can sign them too!" and I was like "They are not finished yet unfortunately (which was true, I had looked right before the autograph session), and she replied "Oh, that's a shame, I'd love to see them", and I was like "I can tweet them to you when I'm at home, if I don't have another chance to show you" and she was like "yeah, please do that"... I thanked her again and said my good-bye and went out! :-)

And because a lot more happened that day (and 2 more photoshootings) I will split Saturday in 2 posts, because LJ won't let me post an entry if it's too long, so more a little later - if you want :-)

conventions, friends, actors, david anders, autographs

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