Gift Story #6

Dec 20, 2012 12:05

The world may or may not be ending tomorrow. If it does, I'm sorry that I didn't get all of the gift stories posted. No... seriously... I am. If the world DOESN'T end, well... I'm still behind on my writing. I have 3 more (?) and at least one of them is Christmas-themed. I'm sorry that these probably won't get posted until after the 27th of December. I'm going away to do family things and it might be perceived as bad form to spend my mini vacation sitting in a room, ignoring my relatives, and writing fanfiction.

Yeah... maybe...

Anyway, here's a story for dionne_2k. It's more of a scene really. She asked for: Prentiss goes on a ‘Sin to Win’ weekend and bumps into Reid. Bless you, possum, for prompting my original OTP *MWAH!* - I have to state that I wrote A LOT more to this story but it became clear that I'd never get it finished by the end of December. As it turns out, the opening scene can stand on it's own, so that's what I've posted. I reserve the right to go back and add the rest of this when I finally complete it. I love it when a plan comes together *\o/*

So, enjoy the first part of Convenient People, dionne! As it stands right now, this is a G-rated story, but that will change when I post the rest of it. Thanks for playing :)

*Just a reminder that all Gift Story links can be found by clicking on the "gift fic" tag below.

gift fic, criminal minds, linkity-link-link, writing, friends, fanfiction, write something you miserable fuck, fandom

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