Fucking Brainfart...

Dec 19, 2012 16:51

So, last night on my walk home from work, I started thinking up a story about a collection of paroled/reformed/blissfully unconvicted killers working to catch other killers. I was wondering how I could keep them... well, you know... creepy while still making them interesting and accessible to the reader. I wondered about their individual crimes and how their skills might be used to catch others. I wondered what it would be like for all of these 'loner' types to work together. I thought about how volatile the mix would be and pitied the poor person placed in charge of this team. I wondered if they'd try to kill one another...

Basically, I want to write a story with serial killers AS HEROES.


Honestly, what the hell is wrong with me?

bad idea?, oh come on!, writing, alternative paradigms, thinky stuff, omgwtf, write something you miserable fuck, this is why we can't have nice things, serial killers, things that make you go hmmm

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