2nd Pointless Post of the Day

Sep 28, 2009 13:23

OMFG, I'm bored...

Here is something mildly amusing: 100 of YouTube's most popular viral videos in 4 minutes. Its shocking how many of these I remember seeing.

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In other holyfuckselfabsorbedmuch? news, during a recent performance of the Hugh Jackman/Daniel Craig play A Steady Rain some douchebag forgot to turn off their cellphone. It rang several times during which both actors - still in character - ribbed the brain donor about his colossal disrespect. Why, oh why, would you try to piss off Wolverine and James Bond? Good thing Christian Bale wasn't in this play...

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That's it for now. Perhaps more later. It all depends on how bored I get.

***EDIT: Evidently, I can get more bored. Here's one for synap: one of his favorite movies in under a minute.

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youtube, fabulousity, zombies, pop culture boulibase

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