
Aug 05, 2007 16:13

Dead squirrel on the front stoop this a.m. Bad omen. Haven't slept well for days. Bad omen. Snapped at the hubby last night for talking to me - you know, nicely. Bad omen. Started rationalizing how life will be just fine if I don't get the job on Friday. Baaaaaad omen.

I've been assailed with writing and drawing ideas ever since I've decided to cram Photoshop into my short-term memory: it appears that there IS something that I dread doing more than artwork, after all! Procrastination. Bad omen. Took out garbage/watered ALL the plants/cleaned up bathroom/folded laundry/put away dishes/organized recycling/enjoyed the weather. All bad omens.

Posted on lj. Bad omen.

fear, procrastination

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