Another Day, Another Meme.

Jul 27, 2007 11:57

Another one from pinkarella7:

Where were you when the ball dropped for 2006?
What year is this again? I think that I was playing poker with me mates.....

Where did you get the idea for your profile name?
Once I had a roommate who was depressed over a breakup, so I bought her a book of photos by an New York artist who placed her Blythe doll in strange locations in different outfits. It really cheered her up and it stuck with me - Blythe always seemed so cool and intrepid. So, it was a no brainer that I became blythechild.

What time were you born?
Don't know. Both me and my Mum were kinda out of it.

Has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry?
Yes, Mitch Hedberg. I miss you Mitch!

What color underwear are you wearing?
I'm commando today......

What did you do this morning?
It's still morning here, but so far I've chatted on the phone, ARRANGED A JOB INTERVIEW FOR MONDAY!, been bopped in the nose by my dog, and taken 2 Advils.

What was the last concert you attended?
ummm, Depeche Mode in 1993. But I'm totally stoked to see The Police in November!!!!

Who was with you?
My Mum (she likes DM, okay?)

What was the last movie you watched?
Contact, last night.

What food do you crave right now?
yogurt and fresh blueberries. mmmmm, brb......

What was the last TV show you watched?
Law & Order: SVU

What is your favorite piece of jewelry?
It's a tie between my wedding band and the diamond ring that Mum passed on to me.

What is to the left of you?
S.'s audio equipment.

What was the last thing you ate?
Chicken Caesar salad.

Write some song lyrics that are in your head.
Set me free, why don't ya babe?
Get outta my life, why don't ya babe?
You don't really want me
You just keep me hangin' on.

Are you on any medication?
Just the 2 Advils....

What side of the bed do you sleep on?
The right side.

What shirt are you wearing?
reynardin's navy Abercrombie & Fitch t-shirt.

What color is your razor?
A manly steel grey.

What is your favorite frozen treat?
Cherry Garcia.

What's your favorite store?
A Peaceable Kingdom in Ann Arbor, MI, or any groovy bookstore on the planet.

Are you thirsty right now?
I could use a coffee, but I'm afraid with the headache an' all......

Who's someone you haven't seen in a while and miss?
Andee Frizzell (I stress here: NOT the porn star or the actress! Andee from Calgary)

What did you do last night?
Got into a stupid fight.

Do you care what people think about you?
I dunno: sometimes I do and sometimes I really don't.

What song(s) do you think ex's listen to and think of you?
I don't think that my ex's think of me, to put it frankly.

What song(s) do you listen to and think of ex's?
The ones that I DON'T like: Save Yourself by Stabbing Westward. The ones that I DO like: Bad Timing by Blue Rodeo.

What's your dream job?
Anything that involves art or design.

What is your ultimate fantasy?
To possess the razor sharp wit that'll cut any pompous windbag down to size in a moment's notice. I want that kind of power......

What does your phone look like?
It's a phone! What does your FORK look like?

What is one thing you wish you were better at?
Relating to people.


Becky called this a.m. and we set up an interview for Monday morning!!!!!! She sounds really cool, and I don't care if I have to spend my days collating shit - I WANT THIS JOB! Harold is taking vacation next week so I'll be working 8 or 9 days straight because he doesn't want to give Linda keys to the store *blythe is holding back the rage*. Joe came by last night and fixed the dryer the day after I did 3 weeks worth of laundry. And feedback has started to trickle in from RSA about the logos: everyone likes the suicide image but nobody wants to use it. The communist image looks to be the candidate, but some want me to make the figure a) look less asian, and b) look less military. Others would like me to delete the RSA coming from the bullhorn because that will be featured on the front of the t-shirt. *throws hands up in disgust and stomps away*

boss, meme, art

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