So tomorrow is my first REAL appointment with an OB.
I am kinda excited as I will be 11w6d and we MIGHT be able to hear the heart on doppler. Why is that cool you ask??
Cause I will get to hear the baby's heart! I have NEVER EVER heard it. Lou and I thought about getting a doppler to listen at home in between visits,
like this one. Why is that important?
For someone like me, who has had pregnancies with a heartbeat then they stop, it's reassuring. It's not like you can look at something and be like. .yeah . . they are okay. . .it's all behind scenes.
So like building something very important to you. . .but you only get to see it when it's done.
I had some stress over the weekend and I spotted somewhat today, so I am doing what I can to stop that stress. I can't even put into words how scary it is when you shouldn't be doing something to have that something happen! But I am going on the fact that I have been told multiple times, it's twin b.
In times like this, it would be reassuring to hear the heart and know things are okay. . .
Other then that, I woke up with a vicious back and neck ache this morning, I probably slept wrong with my coccoon of pillows.
I literally have now: a body pillow, two large throw pillows, three king size pillows and Lou, not to mention I try and steal his pillows from time to time. Poor man.
But other then that, I haven't been really naucious. . .I have been more tired and exhausted, but all in all. . doing well.