Jul 06, 2009 17:46
So I'm back from the midwifery appointment and things look good I guess.
We have canceled the appointment for Thursday to have the first trimester screening for Down, chrom 18 and chrom 9.
Here's why: It's not accurate.
It gives an 85% answer and when dealing with a life, I'm going with. . .I want 100% or nothing. I mean. . the test could come back and say you are at a higher chance for this but, it's a higher chance.
I know people who had this test, they told them the baby was X and the baby was fine.
I guess, I don't want to know the could or the may. . . I want to know yes or no.
We did the dopplar and nothing. I kept hearing my heartbeat. I wish I could say it's okay, Katheryne said its normal to not hear it yet. . .but I guess it would put me more at ease.
The feedback on the dopplar was kinda cool though. . .Lou was all 'it's world war three!!' and I was all 'But Obama just signed that treaty with Russia!'
Got a good laugh.
So I will have an ultrasound at around 20 weeks, and we will know more then.
How uneventful huh??
I am staying on the progesterone for another 2 weeks, yey yellow supposatories. And all the other good stuff just in case. . .she checked my platelettes to make sure they aren't low, if they are she is pulling me off the asprin.
And when I go I have to have my bp done manually, apparently the machine and I don't get along. But it's great at 114/78.
She also said that Twin B should be absorbed soon. . .and I finally found out my blood type . . O negative! I'm popular on true blood.