We're an artistic family

Nov 12, 2005 21:08

Some of you may know, some of you may not, I can't remember who I've told. But if you didn't know, my Mother's a poet. She's published in some journals, and has a book of her own printed by a small press.
Anyway, she called me Thursday night to say a poem of hers called "Day of the Telegraph" was going to read at 10:30 am on CBC 1 radio, which is nationwide, as part of the Remembrance Day celebrations. Apparently, a copy of an anthology she has several pieces in ended up on the desk of one of the CBC radio personalities, and she called the night before to ask the publisher for permission to read Mom's poem. The publisher then phoned Mom, who phoned me and several other people to let them know. Unfortunately I didn't get the message until late Friday afternoon, so I didn't get to hear it. But I'm still really proud of her. I should get her to order a tape of the broadcast.
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