I've got the ear, but I haven't been swimming

Nov 16, 2005 00:08

So I went to the Bay/Welsley walk in clinic today. aglaeca and treadstone71 I know you guys swear by this place, but I'm not impressed. The doc (I believe the one that aglaeca had, although I can't remember his name) barely looked at me, and wrote my symptoms off as the simplest answer.
Basically, my ears are full, irritated and painfull. I also have pain above my teeth/jaw, a headache, behind the eye and sometimes a bit of nasal congestion/pressure. Advil cold and sinus and other antihistamine products are not doing anything.
Apparently my ears aren't red or inflamed, nor my nose, or my throat, nor are my sinus tender or swollen, and I'm not blowing my nose at all.
Mind you, I am a person who has an awful lot of wax build up on occasion, and my ears were chock full of it today. So he sent me over to the nurse, who cleaned out my ears (she had to do it twice on the left side).
But, if I don't have an ear or sinus infection, Mr. Doctor, why oh why are my ears still full and painfull only several hours later? Actually, I think they're worse.
So what if I don't have the rest of the symptoms, I'm quite sure my ears aren't aching just cause they feel like pissing me off. And if they've somehow managed to fill themselves with wax again, you know, I'm sure that's not normal. And probably caused by some sort of infection.
So tomorrow I will go see another doctor at another walk in clinic (U of T this time), and insist even if they don't think I have an infection, to at least give me the benefit of the doubt and do a freaking bacterial culture or other tests I have seen described on the web, because I doubt whatever little creature has decided to take up residence in my ear canal is going to decide to mosey on out by itself.
Or if it's really not an infection, well, I didn't go to medical school, but I do know that there has to be some underlying cause, ears just don't up and decide to hurt for the hell of it. How about you people who did go to medical school try and figure out what it is?
I appologize for yet another ranting entry on my small health issues, but apparently this has been my year of feeling crappy. I've seen a doctor more times this year than I have the entire rest of my life. 2006, hurry up please.
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